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Comment count is 7
zerdzer - 2013-05-06

here's a good video game

Nominal - 2013-05-06

It's weird but I find about half of the whole package, Demon Souls did better.

They really need to tighten up the net code for the next game.

Wander - 2013-05-06

If you're only really interested in the single player, Dark Souls is much better, but holy shit is the online terrible. It's especially bad on the PC, where about half the players hack because it's trivial to do.

zerdzer - 2013-05-06

with a couple of fixes, the multiplayer is only just barely tolerable on PC. demon's souls was better because it actually had servers instead of P2P, which is infinitely superior. dark souls 2 will have servers and it won't have that gayass games for windows live.

i play the PC version of dark souls and host fight clubs every day, i see cheaters maybe once a week

and yeah, it's pretty easy to cheat in every version

despite all that shit, it's still the one of the best games (if not the best) to have come out on consoles in the past 4 years

Redford - 2013-05-06

Reminds me of the PSO players who hated Blue Burst because it was no longer trivial to hack the game and activate PvP mode in a PvE game and kill a person to steal their equipped weapon.

RocketBlender - 2013-05-06

The Mountain Dew estus flask is great.

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-05-06

The Doritos charcoal resin.

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