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Comment count is 8
snothouse - 2013-05-17

You can tell he wrote for SNL, because it has funny stuff, and no idea how to end.

Bort - 2013-05-17

Kind of can't decide on a theme either. Is it bad science, whimsy, or gore? It's just kind of all over the place.

chumbucket - 2013-05-17

I don't see how this has anything to do with gangstalking. Anyway, thanks for reminding me of the horror that was Slim Goodbody.

sasazuka - 2013-05-17

I submit some things that aren't gangstalking, it's just that the gangstalking stuff that gets up votes quickest in the hopper.

I'm surprised this one took a week.

TheSupafly - 2013-05-17

What few horrible 4 year old child memories I have of slim goodbody are not enough to fully appreciate this I think. If I were to write it, all it would be is a meat man ripping plush strings of sinew off a skinless giant's dismembered corpse.

sasazuka - 2013-05-17

Anyone else think Se�or Heart looks kind of like an early, rejected concept art version of Frylock from AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE?

boner - 2013-05-17

Yes, also the early Conan O'Brien looks like concept art for the modern Conan O'Brien.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-18

I guess he knows his audience of aging 28-40 year olds.

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