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Desc:and a man recruits children for his crusade against a rogue arborist
Category:Horror, Humor
Tags:tree, hippies, bored people
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Comment count is 15
Adham Nu'man - 2013-05-14


Oscar Wildcat - 2013-05-14

These people suck. Setting a box of ten penny nails randomly into the trunk and major branches would have gone a long way towards preserving this tree, or at least avenging it.

Look folks, we're long past singing and parading your kids around with signs. Please stop fucking around. The ship is sinking.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-05-14

If only every white neighborhood saved a single tree then the world would be saved.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-05-14

So we've established that you hate white people, and trees. And let me guess, you hate children too?

Adham Nu'man - 2013-05-14

In a world where the average person thinks the Kyoto Protocol is a Japanese porn flick I don't think tree-spiking the neighborhood's willow tree is going to do much for saving the planet.

"The children are visibly upset" yes I am certain that it is due to the tree being felled and it has absolutely nothing to do with the neurotic whining of the "adults" involved.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-05-14

It's not about the planet, it's about their backyard.

I'll concede your point about the kids, though. The parents are trying to teach them to care about this, but you can see it's a hard slog. There's hardly anything left in their neighborhood at all. I suspect like most kids they sit in front of the screen and don't play outside so it's not real for them.

memedumpster - 2013-05-14

I am the Borax, I speak for the honkies!
I have no real comment, beyond "those aren't condos, pal."

Old_Zircon - 2013-05-14

Spiking a tree just ruins it for lumber, it isn't going to stop them cutting it down. I know an arborist or two and a few nails are the least of your worries when you're cutting into a tree - there could be anything inside that thing.

Mother_Puncher - 2013-05-14


Adham Nu'man - 2013-05-14

Your wildest dreams... OR nightmares...

lotsmoreorcs - 2013-05-14

RIP belinda :(

RocketBlender - 2013-05-14

You're not getting away, kid!

Mother_Puncher - 2013-05-14

On point this does upset me for many reasons. I like trees but hate hippies

Adham Nu'man - 2013-05-14

Hate huggers, not the trees.

M-DEEM - 2013-05-14

Today's Smart Guy Agenda:

-Round up some very young children and bring them to where men with saws will make a tree fall down.

-Make them stand as close as possible to where the tree will be falling, holding signs they probably can't read. Because I'm smart.

-Got a bunch of kids? All by myself? Good. Proceed to do some dumb shit that might get me arrested. BECAUSE I'M A VERY THOUGHTFUL INDIVIDUAL.

-Do all of this instead of taking the kids to a park/conservancy/school arboretum and maybe arranging to have them plant a few trees for themselves.

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