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Comment count is 16
FreeOJ - 2013-05-19

Wow they look old

Siebenstein - 2013-05-19

Ryan is only 54 and looks like a healthy 60 year-old. Colin is 55 and looks like he is going to die soon.

CIWB - 2013-05-19

I think Ryan has aged just fine.

Colin, on the other hand...

joelkazoo - 2013-05-19

With all due respect, Colin's always looked fucking old.

EvilHomer - 2013-05-19

Yeah, sad as it is, Colin doesn't look like he's aged a day.

baleen - 2013-05-19

Wow... Why... These guys are talented and everything and I like them but this is CBS and Warner Brothers working together to make something new together?

Valvados - 2013-05-19

Now if only they can get H. Jon Benjamin to guest.

James Woods - 2013-05-19

Or have him replace the host. They're not going to be hilariously making fun of this host AT ALL.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-19

Aisha Tyler makes everything better.

Bort - 2013-05-19

She does. She also put out an album of stand-up that's pretty good ("Live at the Filmore").

As a side note, I'm discovering more and more that I like comedians who mostly talk about their own experiences and funny them up. What is occasionally lost in wackiness is made up for in true-to-livelihood.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2013-05-19

A show that hasn't aired proboting a show that's been cancelled. CORPORATE SYNERGY

CuteLucca - 2013-05-19

They still got it. Wayne Brady never ceases to amaze me.

EvilHomer - 2013-05-19

Wayne Brady had the perfect chance to do a Jero tribute, and he blew it.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-05-19

So after going on a crash weight-loss plan and being tormented as a conservative, Drew Carey decided he was a good-looking African-American woman trapped in a doughy white guy's body?

Kabbage - 2013-05-19

Carey has always seemed remarkably uncomfortable in his own, awful body

dairyqueenlatifah - 2013-05-19

No Drew Carey?

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