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Comment count is 12
Ursa_minor - 2013-05-15

hahaha those goddamned wetbacks, it's so true bleeeaaaauuuuuuuuuuuurg

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-15


...and the hair at 2 seconds in. Beautiful.

TeenerTot - 2013-05-16

Do we have a "mullet" tag?

duck&cover - 2013-05-15

White people fly through space like this: "vroom, vroom, vroom�"

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2013-05-15

If you don't like that, he has a bit about how kung fu movies are badly dubbed. I'm sure no one's thought of that before.

snothouse - 2013-05-16

Those fast food drive through speakers aren't easy to understand either.

GovtCensor - 2013-05-16

Youtubers are claiming he's married to a black woman, so uh, there.

I think this is him?


"King Of The Clean One-Liners!"

DriverStabby - 2013-05-16

"Starship Enterprise. I lowered it." COMEDY GOLD! Then at the end he has an acid trip.

Tripitaka - 2013-05-16

That's a really half-assed Cheech Marin impression. My stars go to that golden, flowing mullet and all its splendor.

Old_Zircon - 2013-05-16

It's not the worst Cheech impression, as long as you ignore the actual words. My stars are for the giant mullet in the audience.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-05-16

I want to punch him as well as the entire 90s in the fucking jaw.

This guy looks and acts just like the janitor dude we had in junior high.

Spoonybard - 2013-05-16

Even lazier and less funny than a Family Guy cutaway

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