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Desc:In which ALDAMYSTERIOSA doesn't know about reflective license plate 'watermark' images by 3M.
Category:Crime, Educational
Tags:paranoid schizophrenia, Gang stalking, Gangstalking, organized stalking, aldamysteriosa1
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Comment count is 11
Ghoul - 2013-05-17

Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oXZYMnZV1k

animegurl1000 - 2013-05-17

Eagles are sneaky birds.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-05-17

It's funny how they trust technology that could be easily compromised by the Illuminati and believe that police (who are also in on the conspiracy) would let a little thing like "evidence" keep them from maintaining the front that THEY want to crush the TI's with.

Either insanity has boundaries or they truly don't even embrace their own dream world to the logical degree the framework they create demands.

Ursa_minor - 2013-05-17

Of course they don't; they are crazy people.

TSR - 2013-05-17

Essentially the definition of delusional disorder.
Nice to see all these people coming together to form a dysfunctional support group.

Blue - 2013-05-17

That's kind of how delusions work. Some people may have complex and internally consistent delusions, but not everybody does. It's not a matter of personal failure, either. I remember having to explain how implausible basic things like having a conversation with someone on the roof of a nearby building using your normal inside voice was. That's not a mistake even a stupid person would make, and she's the kind of person that could probably tell you what formula you'd use to calculate the decrease in volume over a distance.

This isn't about people making fantasy worlds to live in, or thinking they're so important that everybody is out to get them. They have a disease that makes it hard sometimes for them to figure out what is plausible. It also has a tendency to make people that are not normally narcissistic think they're the most important person in the world.

sasazuka - 2013-05-17

The full trademark name for this technology is 3M� Ensure� Directional Image and all it is is an anti-counterfeit measure, not a super secret conspiracy. If you're at the right angle (about 30 degrees) on a sunny day, you can easily see the "watermark" image. (In Ontario, Canada it's a trillium in a border just to the left of the crown on a standard, non-custom plate.)

Gmork - 2013-05-17


memedumpster - 2013-05-17

We have Rainbow Dash.

TicTac - 2013-05-17

I want to see a show/youtube series about 2 individuals who think they are gang stalked by one another.
Each one thinks the other is faking and they are constantly stalking one another trying to prove it.

TicTac - 2013-05-17

Also, stars.

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