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Comment count is 11
chumbucket - 2013-05-26

Not Yoda but try he does

deuteranomalous - 2013-05-26

His grammar is stronger, it is.

TheOtherCapnS - 2013-05-26

Well that's really something. I'm not usually that into puppets, but I will definitely admit that I am impressed that someone made a puppet out of the unseen terror that's been lurking in the shadows of every nightmare I or anyone else has had since the dawn of humanity.

baleen - 2013-05-26

Going to cinemageddon.

Old_Zircon - 2013-05-26

Baleen, I've been after a Cinemageddon invite for a long time. Just sayin'.

baleen - 2013-05-26

It's hard these days. You have to go in a chatroom and introduce people and shit. They are kind of complete assholes there but I have to say its worth it... Send me an e-mail and I can try to get you on, I am a "VIP" on there or something.

baleen - 2013-05-26

I mean, give me an e-mail where I can invite you.

Old_Zircon - 2013-05-26

I don't really like to post my email address but if you email me at [email protected] I'll send you my proper gmail address and we can go from there.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-26

Still less disgusting looking than Nukie.

subduralhematoma - 2013-05-26

Just because he's an alien doesn't mean he's wise or intelligent. Young Bender seems pretty on board with the open definition of "money buying pleasure" philosophy.

Oktay - 2013-05-27

"I love you, Uncle Alien!"
"Shut up baby, I know it!"

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