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Comment count is 17
Yellow Lantern - 2013-05-28

The He-Man portion of this is on the site, but I had never seen this in its entirety before.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-05-28

In other words, anything that's at all popular = Satan?

Any of that "demonstration of God's Power" in evidence? You'd think one of these guys would've managed a lightning bolt by now.

And if New Age music is so satanic, why is it used for the show's theme song?

Riskbreaker - 2013-05-28

More like, why god doesn't produce an awesome tv show that kids can like? Seems the heaven tv station is running short on budget.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-05-28

Yeah, his forays into music haven't done much better. I mean, the ICP project was a complete disaster.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-28

An hour and a half. Yep. Not going to make it through this one.

Riskbreaker - 2013-05-28

If these guys were right, pretty much an entire generation of adults right now all worship satan.

EvilHomer - 2013-05-28

Yeah, yeah, they're right.

Show of hands, how many of us watched He-Man as a little kid? Now, show of hands, how many of us believe in the Power of Jesus Christ?

Riskbreaker - 2013-05-28


EvilHomer - 2013-05-28

Early-modern Bronyphobes.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-05-28

He looks like a porno version of Doctor Strange.

Jim Quin - 2013-05-28

The DVR-Hell episodes on Brad Jones' site where he calls bullshit on each and every one of these un-informed statements are fucking brilliant. What a pair of greasy, creepy cunts.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2013-05-28

I think this has been here like 3 times before already.

BHWW - 2013-05-28

Wevil Dorship.

Cena_mark - 2013-05-28

I skipped into this around the 30 minute mark and they're talking about commercials and how the cartoon characters are selling cereal and its affect on kids. If they were just talking about the ethical issues of selling sugary cereals and toys through cartoons then they'd sound like sensible guys. Of course they're talking of Satanic conspiracies so they're fucking crazy.

EvilHomer - 2013-05-28

I never knew there was a Rainbow Brite cereal*, but now I want some.

I wound up watching the whole thing, and you're not missing much by skipping around. My favorite bit is where the younger guy starts talking about how kids let their let their imaginations run away with them, then immediately describes how God literally spoke to him while he was driving to a toy store, and told him what a shame it was how children can't distinguish between reality and fantasy. I also learned some interesting tidbits about various shows - SheRa owned an alicorn, Smurfette was a tranny, and that giant mosquito monkey puppet thing I had when I was four was called a "Sectaur".

* - Rainbow Brite cereal besides Kix, I mean. I don't know if this has ever happened to anyone else, but the first time I ever tried Kix, I got it into my head that the little Kix balls resembled sprite houses from Rainbow Brite. At first I was really amused by this, and pretended I was a giant monster, devouring Spriteville or whatever the hay it's called. But then I stopped to think about what I was doing, and I got really, really upset. I got paranoid that maybe Kix WAS really made of Sprite houses, and maybe I WAS eating the poor creatures for breakfast. I couldn't take it. Just couldn't take it. Yet my parents neither knew nor cared what I was crying about, so they kept buying that damn cereal, and I kept having to eat more and more of Rainbow Brite's friends.

Eventually, I convinced myself that it was all in my head, and I wasn't committing mass genocide against the peace-loving Sprite people. But those were some harrowing months of my life, I can tell you.

sasazuka - 2013-05-29

"Skeletor lives in Ethernia"? Ethernia? With an H? I love it when these videos get minor elements of kids cartoons hilariously wrong.

sasazuka - 2013-05-29

Hey, his church is still around with the same guy as pastor: http://www.eaglesnestministries.org/index.html

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