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Comment count is 45
NancyDrewFan123 - 2013-06-12

Oh my god, I can understand filling time with shitty jokes but this is the cream of the crop? These screechy "random" jokes, ugh. UGH. UGH.


Watching this video is like being trapped at the loser table in high school.

EvilHomer - 2013-06-12

My favorite part is the brewing comment war over whether or not uploading gameplay clips is considered copyright infringement.

This is the sort of world kids today live in, isn't it?

StanleyPain - 2013-06-12


God it's really insufferable to be around people like this..

Hooker - 2013-06-12

It really is. I've found they also get really angry if you make a joke that's clever or insightful in any way.

Hugo Gorilla - 2013-06-12

The "kill all gamers" tag has potential.

Pope Caius - 2013-06-12

Which reminds me, has anyone submitted Pewdiepie yet?

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-06-12

The only Pewdiepie video worth submitting is the one where the Retsupurae people call him out on being shit.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-06-12

0:38 is all I lasted to

BHWW - 2013-06-12

I tried, it seemed to be mostly him screeching "I'M BEING RAPED" while playing one a' them video games. The new low hanging fruit, trying to become a Youtube-famous person.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-13

Caminante, that's the only Pewdiepie video I've ever seen. It was enough.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-06-13

I don't know why I replied to this

spikestoyiu - 2013-06-12

I made it about a minute. And I honestly thought that this was a joke for about half of that.

Beyond the jokes, why would anyone want to watch someone else play a video game? For me, that was the most infuriating part of my childhood.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-12

I made it through but it was really hard.

RocketBlender - 2013-06-12

I always wondered that about the let's play games. A lot of us can remeber how fucking bored out of our skull we were, going to a friend's house, and having to watch them play something like Final Fantasy __ for 20 minutes+ until they got to a save point. I find it hard to believe people actually seek out the experience.

Nikon - 2013-06-12

>Beyond the jokes, why would anyone want to watch someone else play a video game?

Because Shinya Arino (the Kachou) is awesome.

spikestoyiu - 2013-06-12

Counterpoint: these guys.

Paracelsus - 2013-06-12

Because Robbaz.

FABIO - 2013-06-13

I used to hang out with some comp sci guys whose ideas of fun included:

- Spending an entire Friday night programming a couple of April Fools jokes into someone's copy of Nethack.

- Watching one person play Demon Souls all night.

- The absolute low point: watching one person GRIND their way through Final Fantasy 3 and 10. This was in 2010. Watching someone else grind through an rpg video game that everyone had already beaten 17 years ago.

So yes there are people like this and yes they are terrible. The worst part was they had copies of Mario Kart and Smash Brothers right there but they thought getting 4 dudes together to watch a 5th dude play an old Final Fantasy game was a better time.

chumbucket - 2013-06-12

We are NOT entertained.

chumbucket - 2013-06-12

I'll also add that the latest E3 hijinks and "reveals" has me turning slowly bitter towards the "gaming community" of late. Maybe I'm getting old but all of it is turning into more and more of a sham carnival ride of pointlessness.

poopy - 2013-06-12

I take comfort in the fact that none of them will ever have sex with anything resembling the 'sexy' video game characters that undoubtedly arouse them.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-12

At least they're better than PewtiePie or however it's spelled

Riskbreaker - 2013-06-12

That's not exactly something to brag about.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-13


Udderdude - 2013-06-12

I think at this point if someone asked me if I was a gamer, I'd say no.

RocketBlender - 2013-06-12

I'm pretty open about being a fan of games here on poe, but I rarely if ever admit to it offline. No T shirts, no zany references, etc. I really don't want to be lumped in with these guys.

The sad thing is, games like Metroid, Zelda, and Mario are my favorite kind of things to play, but Nintendo fans are arguably some of the most obnoxious people on the planet.

FABIO - 2013-06-13

Nintendo is the Apple of videogames.

candyheadrobot - 2013-06-13

These people strike me as playing more games with nothing but guns in front of them than anything else, you don't learn humor like that playing games where you eat mushrooms to get big.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-13

Brand loyalty is a pretty sad trait in general, unless it's some tiny company that actually deserves and benefits from your support.

Gmork - 2013-06-12

-1 star for misrepresenting this as "gamer humor" rather than "humor: none"

poopy - 2013-06-12

What's the difference?

Gmork - 2013-06-12

only idiots think there is "gamer humor", is the key difference comes to mind

poopy - 2013-06-13

that was my point, dum dum

Gmork - 2013-06-13

no, your point is that you believe gamer humor is a real thing, as if it's some subculture that actually exists. this is what makes you dumb.

Riskbreaker - 2013-06-12

Kill all gmers should become an active tag.

bongoprophet - 2013-06-12

I was going to say that these are kids and that their humor might develop over the years,

but then I saw theamazingatheist's reply to the new Sarkeesian video.

kill all gamers.

Gmork - 2013-06-13

kill yourselves first

Burnov - 2013-06-12

Horrendously unfunny, and yet the only thing sadder than these two schmucks is somebody who gets their nipples in a twist over their edgy humor.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-06-12

Yep, that's a pretty accurate description.

theSnake - 2013-06-13

Hahaha, these guys are hilarious

catpenis27 - 2013-06-13

"Would you rather... Cut off your own penis, or cut off someone else's penis... And eat it." These people aren't anything other than autistic spectrum adolescents.

Nominal - 2013-06-13

Have you ever hung around improv nerds? This is exactly what they sound like during their perpetual "jam sessions". EXACTLY

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-13

Anyone who unironically uses the term "jam" to describe improvising in ANY medium is almost guaranteed to be horrible at improvising. Music, comedy, whatever. They're probably going to be wanking. Experience has reconfirmed his for me time and time again for the the past 22 or 23 years, with virtually no exceptions.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2013-06-13

I think computer games are widespread enough now that the term 'gamers' does not make sense.. It it like having term for 'people who watch films' or 'people who read novels'..

fluffy - 2015-05-10

made it to 0:32

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