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Comment count is 7
1394 - 2013-06-14

That dude can paint better than me AND has better nails.

Needtodestroy - 2013-06-14

Wow, I had no idea Mrs. Doubtfire was into tabletop gaming.

Needtodestroy - 2013-06-14

addendum joke:

"You cannot win Anakin! I have the higher ground!"

That is all. Thank you for your consideration.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-06-15

I just spent too long watching videos of her painting various little miniatures. It's very soothing and she's really really good at it.

RocketBlender - 2013-06-15

The tutorial was honestly very helpful for what I needed to do, and I bookmarked a few others relevant to the project I'm working on. It's just strange they felt the need to take an an otherwise very normal tutorial in that direction.

pressed peanut sweepings - 2013-06-15

What was unusual about it?

baleen - 2013-06-15

Thanks for this. I love her painting of extremely violent looking space marines and brain eating monsters. It's unintentionally funny but also really endearing.

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