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Comment count is 9
gravelstudios - 2013-06-12

So I guess PoeTV has discovered a new patron saint.

Mother_Puncher - 2013-06-12

What is she slapping herself with? Is that her hand? Oh god I"m gonna puke

5 because I hate "art"

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-06-12

I found out that this defect is called "symbrachydactyly". You can find a lot of similar limbs out there by googling it. Slap (teehee) up a tag if you can.

catpenis27 - 2013-06-13


candyheadrobot - 2013-06-13

Marina Abramovic would be proud.

kingarthur - 2013-06-13

Now I like to see submissive white women as much as the next guy who was routinely rejected by white women over and over in high school, but a flipper? That's just gross.

kingarthur - 2013-06-13

Don't worry, people: the Asian women and Latinas always liked me. :)

ashtar. - 2013-06-13

Quit hitting yourself.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-06-13

Someone needs to put "Seinfeld" bass effects over this clip.

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