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Comment count is 7
themilkshark - 2013-06-20

Whoa. Someone should tell him that he's special just the way he is.

He REALLY wants Satan to take him up on his soul trade offer.

Scrimmjob - 2013-06-20

Satan might be his best bet for a good forearm lengthening surgery.

13.5 - 2013-06-20

The people who keep coming through really stress the different approaches you have to take when begging from different people, such as middle-class consumers and Satan

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-06-20

He reminds me a lot of that guy from the first Men In Black but with Tourettes.

baleen - 2013-06-20

Life is really sad.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-06-21

That's some Dr. Dre-level cursing there.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-21

I knew a guy who was homeless and panhandled for Paula Abdul cassettes (I worked at the store where he bought them), so it could be worse.

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