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Comment count is 7
augias - 2013-06-19

Literally everything in human existance, placed in a single commercial.

The New Meat - 2013-06-19

Say what you will about the Germans, they sure know how to push ice cream.

I lived in Germany during the 80s/early 90s and one thing that always blew my mind was that they sold ice cream in movie theaters. Not that you could buy it at the concession booth before the movie, but that they would pause the movie halfway through (and since movies aren't made with any obvious intermission point anymore, it could literally happen in the middle of a scene) and then a guy would come in with a tray and walk up and down the aisles selling ice cream for about five minutes. Somehow that was the strangest thing about German culture to me.

That little blurb at the very end about how ice cream is also available in THIS KINO probably means this was a shown before movies just to remind people that THE ICE CREAM MAN IS COMING.

gravelstudios - 2013-06-19

When I went to see Titanic in high school, it was at a discount movie theater, and they put an intermission in it because of its length. Whoever was running the projector decided to shut it off right in the middle of "I'm flying, Jack", so it sort of wound down like a broken record player--"I'm flyyyyyyiiiiiiinnnngggg". If someone had come to sell me ice cream at that exact moment, it would have been the best thing ever.

Enjoy - 2013-06-19

I lived in Stuttgart from 2001-2002. I too was impressed with their love for ice cream. Every shop in town would be closed for the weekend, not a gas station or espresso stand could be found, but the ice cream sales went on and on and on.

The New Meat - 2013-06-20

Now that I know someone else lived in Stuttgart, I want to do the whole OH OH DO YOU REMEMBER BLANK, but literally the only think that I remember about Stuttgart is that there was a slide shaped like a dragon in Killesbergpark in 1985.

mouser - 2013-06-19

:45 Nice trumpexophone!

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2013-06-19

Y'know, watching stuff like this I kinda wonder if it was West Germany just taking the "decadent Capitalist" schtick and running the fuck to the moon with it.

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