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Desc:wherein the animators actually draw the adults of Charlie Brown's world, and piss in your mouf
Category:Cartoons & Animation
Tags:charlie brown, peanuts, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, cultural goodwill exploited
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Comment count is 16
candyheadrobot - 2013-06-27

The adults look like they were swapped in from Garfield.

BiggerJ - 2013-06-27

As a kid, I always thought of Garfield as the opposite of Peanuts. Instead of a comic with a large cast and a dog who does a lot, it's a comic with a small cast and a cat that does little. Linus quotes the bible, Jon screams about using the cat brush.

BiggerJ - 2013-06-27

This isn't the only violation of Shultz's wishes after his death. He didn't want anyone else to draw it after he died; Boom Comics saw differently.

Also, an anime company has acquired the rights to make Peanuts cartoons.

sasazuka - 2013-06-27

Also in the works, a PEANUTS 3D movie from Fox. http://aol.it/19EiABA

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-06-27

Stupid people will pay money to see these things. I won't.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-06-27

I lived in the same town where Schultz was from, for about 12 years. His death and funeral was one of the more memorable things that ever happened there. The entire town talked about it for weeks.

I knew a guy that did plumbing/handiwork for the Schultz family and according to him all his children turned out to just be spoiled, moneygrubbing shits. He really liked Charles but hated the rest of them.

And he wasn't the only one that said that about them. Word gets around about that sort of thing.

The idea of a 3D Peanuts movie takes one of the only things from my childhood I still really treasure and beats it up and completely takes away the artistic originality of the series and forces it to fit the mold of cookie cutter shitty talking animal movies they make by the dozens now. Yes I know Snoopy doesn't talk...yet.

Oh yeah, I see that coming. I'm calling it now.

As for the anime thing, it doesn't surprise me because of those sketches that got tossed around a few years back really excited all the anime nerd herds.

Of course I am guilty of liking the Doctor Who/Peanuts art someone did here, so...uh...I guess people will continue the series in variations no matter what. I just wish they would do it in a non retarded Garfieldesque train wreck.

http://geekartgallery.blogspot.kr/2011/06/artist-larry-wentzel .html

chumbucket - 2013-06-27

an anime company? "sigh"

sasazuka - 2013-06-27

Not saying I approve of drawn adults in a PEANUTS cartoon but I suppose the reasoning here was that the adults only appeared within the story Charlie Brown was telling, so it in some ways the normal rules don't apply. Also, I think the adults look more vaguely Jay Ward-ish than they do GARFIELD-ish.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-06-27

Oh, you rang my bell.

You mean Bill Scott-ish. Jay Ward never picked up a pencil in his life. Bill Scott did the designs and the voices, and Jay Ward bankrolled it.

BHWW - 2013-06-27

Some of these adults look like they escaped from a Schoolhouse Rock short.

gravelstudios - 2013-06-27

There were adults in the old Peanuts history specials (Thanksgiving, etc.) as well, but the character design of the adults in those matched the kids much better. I remember seeing one as a kid with Alexander Graham Bell inventing the phone.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-27

They all have bags under their eyes.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-06-27

I honestly prefer the womp womp voices to the ones they chose for the adults in this special.

Blue - 2013-06-27

Which direction is going to go? Is snoopy going to kill all the children?

Blue - 2013-06-27

This was nowhere near as enjoyable as someone pissing in my mouth.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-27

Good grief.

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