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Comment count is 21
Hailey2006 - 2013-06-30

If you think that's bad you should check out "Days Like These" the British remake of That 70s Show!

Hooker - 2013-06-30

Has anyone ever been as integral to a TV show as Ed O'Neil was to Married... with Children?

joelkazoo - 2013-07-01

Carroll O'Connor to "All in the Family".

Nominal - 2013-07-01

Hugh Laurie: House.

Hugo Gorilla - 2013-07-01

Dick van Dyke in "The Dick Van Dyke Show."

Quad9Damage - 2013-07-01

Richard Dean Anderson to "MacGyver?" Not that Jeffrey Donovan is intolerable.

RedRust - 2013-07-01

Brian Peppers: Gross Sexual Imposition

RedRust - 2013-07-01

Brian Peppers: Gross Sexual Imposition

RedRust - 2013-07-01

Brian Peppers: Gross Sexual Imposition

RedRust - 2013-07-01

Brian Peppers: Gross Sexual Imposition

chumbucket - 2013-07-02

Shatner: TJ Hooker

bac - 2014-03-25

I see what you did there Quad9. You deserve all the stars sir. all of them.

boner - 2013-06-30

Russ Abbott can't stop smiling

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2013-06-30

What would be the british equivalent of a miserable womens' shoes who live in a chicago suburb?

Yellow Lantern - 2013-07-01

Ha, the neighbor Steve is the guy from "Downton Abbey"

Koda Maja - 2013-07-01

I like that even the set is backwards from the American version. The stairs, the kitchen, the front door are all on the other side from Married with Children.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-07-01

Word for word (with cultural changes) of a 2nd season episode, "If I Were A Rich Man".

Quad9Damage - 2013-07-01

American Kelly was less jailbait-ish. Loses points because I can't laugh AND jerk off to it.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-01


frau_eva - 2013-07-01

Everyone is not nearly chav-y enough.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2013-07-01

The daughter is smoking hot by UK standards

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