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ashtar. - 2013-07-05

But what does TFL Bill think of Eh Marine?

misterbuns - 2013-07-05

india is easily the most sexist country in the world.

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/11/world/asia/rape-cases-are-ma king-tourists-wary-of-visiting-india.html?_r=0

watching a TV crew beat down a cunt ass pretty boy entitled shitheel was endlessly satisfying.

fuck india's rape culture, fuck your stupid definition of feminism.

i hope you get raped by a dude.

that's all.

simon666 - 2013-07-05

"fuck India's rape culture" and "i hope you get raped by a dude."


Adham Nu'man - 2013-07-05

I think what he's trying to say is: RAPE RAPE!

Adham Nu'man - 2013-07-05

Rape the pain away?

zerdzer - 2013-07-05

if you knew i was a girl, would you still wish for me to get raped by a dude? or would it have to be a lesbian with a strap-on social construct?

also, are you saying that india's rape culture is different from other rape cultures?

in all seriousness, your inappropriate and rude comment makes me feel sad, and it doesn't help your position

misterbuns - 2013-07-05

Yeah, I was pretty drunk last night. 'MURICA WOOOO.

I don't actually want you to get raped by a dude.

Have you ever talked to a female from India?

But actually, yeah, India's sexism is different. It's absolute and institutionalized more so than any other developed country.

In fact, it is so institutionalized that it crosses the immense chasm of the class system: it sucks to have a vagina in India, no matter where you are on the totem pole.

This is (one of the reasons) why the how can she slap meme was so grea: it happened in India, a place where women don't enjoy any equality. It was a woman asserting herself in public. You can see how much this violates the status quo in the twinkle of hatred in that cunt's eye when he gets slapped. he's not mad he was hit, he is irate that his privilege is being challenged. How can she slap? How can this woman do anything?

That you fail to see that, that you insist on assuming the politics controlling people's behaviours and attitudes in India must be similar to those that exist here, a place where sexual politics are less skewed, shows how na�ve you are about things outside of your bedroom.

Also interesting is how you are talking about this situation in the hypothetical, not from actual experience.

You've never been slapped by a girl, have you? Were you? How did you respond? Did you hit her?

Ever been slapped by a guy? Hit by a guy? Do you just throw down and escalate a situation the first chance you get? Are you so insecure that something as venial as a slap is a threat to you?

It doesn't sound like you have much experience living, or thinking, but it's never too late to start.

zerdzer - 2013-07-05

"But actually, yeah, India's sexism is different. It's absolute and institutionalized more so than any other developed country."

is sexism synonymous with rape culture?

"Have you ever talked to a female from India?"

quite a bit, and i'm fully aware that the state of human rights in india is pretty awful, and it's way different than it is in the first world.

i am not making any assumptions here.

no matter the context, a girl slapping a guy and the guy slapping in retaliation somehow escalating to the guy getting beaten on by a bunch of bystanders is totally screwed up. what they should have done instead is broken up and prevented any further violence. it does not matter if this woman slapping a man counts as "asserting herself". anybody can assert themselves in an appropriate way instead. of course, people don't want to watch appropriate behavior on a reality TV show mimicking shitty western culture, so there's that.

also, whether or not i personally have any experience with the things you are talking about is completely irrelevant.

misterbuns - 2013-07-05

1.) it wasn't a reality show. It was a game show. The show wasn't manipulating the people on camera into a violent exchange. That isn't part of a game show's format. That wasn't a produced exchange, so you're wrong about this 'mimicking reality tv'. Don't believe me? Why weren't there cameras covering the melee once the shit hit the fan? Why did they stay in the wide? Because game shows are blocked like that: reality shows aren't. Did you do any research on what happened?

2.) The cunt was fucking up the show by not cooperating, probably because he was offended that this woman was in a position of power, so he wasn't going to legitimize the show by obeying her. That's part speculation, but it also really looks like what was happening.

3.) those werent bystanders. They were the crew of the show that idiot just ruined by picking a fight with a host.

4.) you didn't post the clip of the show, you posted a commentary on the politics of the exchange. It's a funny commentary, I can't tell if this guy is doing a comedy bit or is just comically out of touch with reality: but that doesn't matter because it's clear you agree with it, which is silly because of common sense and all the things I've explained.

Lastly, he slapped the FUCK out of her, and then stepped up like he was going to do something else, even after she had been THROWN BACK by his strike. That cunt ruined their taping because he couldn't stand going along with a bit that challenged his privilege as a man. What was the crew supposed to do?

What's your point about 'feminism 2.0'? Is it some terrible fad that prevents men from being able to beat the fuck out of women when they feel like it? Violence against women is okay because we are all equal? Is that your point?

ashtar. - 2013-07-05

I'm starting to think that zerdzer's feminism trolling deserves its own tag.

zerdzer - 2013-07-05

as i said, it doesn't matter what the context is. the only thing i said about the context was the last sentence there and you typed a whole paragraph about it. this show, whether it is a game show or reality tv, is mimicking shitty western culture. there is no doubt about that.

regardless if they are staff or whoever they are, the bystanders beating up the guy for slapping back was an inappropriate response. sure, restraining the guy is a good idea, but beating him up like that?

feminism 2.0 would be a shitty thing that never actually helped anybody, and encouraged sexism. but while you mention it: violence against women is not okay, but violence is never "okay". it shouldn't be any more or less inappropriate in any situation, it's always bad. meanwhile, you seem to think that it's okay this guy got his shit kicked in for hitting a girl who "challenged his privilege" by slapping him. i guess he deserved it for being a "privileged" male, eh? sure showed him. that's what feminism 2.0 is

Adham Nu'man - 2013-07-05

Is it ok to say that it's probably not a good idea to slap the contestants on your show unless they have clearly signed a contract wherein it is expressly and very clearly stated that they are going to get slapped, regardless of the genders involved? It would seem that basic premise was not in effect here since the guy sued and got paid.

misterbuns - 2013-07-05

yeah, commenting on POE is one way I warm up before writing. So, thanks for being my speedbag :)

not sure if you read my comment to you on the ramzaul or whatever post, but it's relevant here too.

but here is my point: you have a really sheltered, out of touch sense of social justice and it comes from not being able to understand the magnitude of concepts of racism and sexism and how they shape the attitudes of the world.

you're splitting hairs over the semantics of equality on a very very small scale:if we are all equal, race and gender should NEVER play a role in behaviour or attitudes. Those are two ideas that are okay, but the point being made by history, society, this video and well, ME, is that we are NOT all equal because sexism and racism still shape much of the world. I really don't think you can see that, which is why when you see something like 'how can she slap' the interesting, encouraging idea that in India, this behavior was NOT tolerated, that people DID something about this is completely lost on you and you focus on this tiny little banal bromide of VIOLENCE IS BAD, a simple attitude that is pretty useless without a greater awareness of why this conflict occurred. I thought like this when I was in highschool.

Problems like 'who can slap who' or 'who gets a racial history month' are pedantic because racism / sexism is real and their effects on people have nothing to do with the answer to these questions you are obsessing over. Maybe morally simple questions like these are the only lens through which you can approach inequality, because they are both things that directly effect your life ( HEY I DONT GET A HISTORY MONTH, I CANT SLAP A GIRL) but the truth is the real issues are things you've probably never had to deal with, or probably even think about. I'm guessing that's the problem.

zerdzer - 2013-07-05

"I really don't think you can see that, which is why when you see something like 'how can she slap' the interesting, encouraging idea that in India, this behavior was NOT tolerated, that people DID something about this is completely lost on you and you..."

no, i can see you're glad a guy who slapped a girl in a country where slapping girls usually isn't punished was punished. yes, i understand why you might be glad at this. as i said several times, that's not justification for what happened, it doesn't make it okay. if you're thinking i should look past the fact that is wrong because it happened to a person who had it coming, then you're wrong. it doesn't change that this wasn't the right way of handling the situation. bottom line: it was stupid and wrong.

"...VIOLENCE IS BAD, a simple attitude that is pretty useless without a greater awareness of why this conflict occurred."

simple? useless? should my attitude be more sophisticated? what should it be useful for? this is all pretty vague to me. however, i see no "use" in your admiration of a guy slapping a girl getting his shit kicked in because he did it in a certain context where that wasn't expected or likely to happen.

"Problems like 'who can slap who' or 'who gets a racial history month' are pedantic because racism / sexism is real and their effects on people have nothing to do with the answer to these questions you are obsessing over. "

racism and sexism are real, yes of course, i never denied this. they are only real because people keep behaving in a way that makes them real. if they stopped, they would cease to be real, it's really simple. that's what i've been saying the whole time. saying that certain people are more "privileged" because of their race or sex creates a divide between those people and less "privileged" people, which just repeats the cycle of racism and sexism. remembering and learning from the history of racism/sexism and acknowledging that racism/sexism are real is different than continuing to label one or more races/sexes as privileged and others as underprivileged. the latter is very racist/sexist, it's a step backwards.

that's really all there is to say about it.

kingarthur - 2013-07-06

So I've been drinking a lot of brominated vegetable oil....

Scrimmjob - 2013-07-05

someone should kidnap ray william johnson and replace him with Maximbady

mouser - 2013-07-05

Wow. This guy is hilarious. Didnt think blackface was still being done however. I thought that was racist?

Adham Nu'man - 2013-07-05


chairsforcheap - 2013-07-06

after reading the misterbuns / zerdzer thread in its entirety, i am awarding your comment 5 points of stars, sir.

Father Avalanche - 2013-07-05

His palms are luminescent.

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