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Comment count is 15
Millard - 2013-07-11

"There's been a misunderstanding!"

"You don't understand!"

Knaaks - 2013-07-11

This is on Netflix streaming, and I really can't stress enough how totally and utterly THE GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME this is.

TeenerTot - 2013-07-12

Added to queue, thanks.

candyheadrobot - 2013-07-11

:D this is necessary watching.

baleen - 2013-07-11

I was amazed that this movie ended up on Netflix streaming. I hope its success inspires them to buy tons of hilariously shitty movies and make an entire section for it.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-07-11

In a few years, that would be "everything not Pixar or Star Wars," and I'm being generous about the Star Wars part.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-12

I had seen it last year at Thanksgiving (Zhou Fang brought it over) and then noticed not too long ago they put it up. Such a happy thing. I'm glad they know that movies like this, Birdemic, and A Talking Cat!?! are cheap and have a devoted following.

chumbucket - 2013-07-12

I thought that was Crackle's job.

BHWW - 2013-07-11

The most bad-assed gang - you can get if you hire those guys your friend knows to appear in the film. You know, those guys.

RocketBlender - 2013-07-12

Just finished watching it. You guys weren't joking.

Ghoul - 2013-07-12

The greatest movie about orphan Tae Kwon Do masters that form a rock band of all time.

kingarthur - 2013-07-12

Want to see it.

Hooker - 2013-07-12

This is a parking lot of a local college, no less.

Also, while this movie is fantastic and all, ya'll aren't showing Samurai Cop enough respect.

hammsangwich - 2013-07-12

This movie has the perfect amount of cheese

gorch - 2013-07-20

The line immediately before this scene:

"Our mom had a hard life, and a little while after that, she died. And then our dad died, and after a while...he left us."

Uh, what?

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