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sasazuka - 2013-07-21

Not just Tennessee, MRS. CABOBBLE'S CABOOSE got played for a while on at least one of the two PBS stations serving the Lake Champlain area, either on WCFE-57 (now Mounrain Lake Public Television) in Plattsburgh NY or on WETK-33/Vermont ETV (now Vermont Public Television) in Burlington VT. I didn't see it that often (I was in my tweens or young teens when it aired) but I do remember the theme song and some of the individual episode songs, since she sang them four or five times each episode so kids could memorize them. That "Grandma's Oven" song is a particularly notorious earworm (not sure if it's online).

For a locally-produced educational show from a small public television station with a shoestring budget compared to national PBS broadcasts like anything out of Children's Television Workshop (Sesame Street, Electric Company, 3-2-1 Contact, Square One TV, etc...), MRS. CABOBBLE'S CABOOSE had some amazing art design, even if I think they blew most of the art design budget on the ridiculously intricate stylized model landscape in the opening.

sasazuka - 2013-07-21

Also, regarding the PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE comparison in the tags, MRS. CABOBBLE'S CABOOSE also started in 1986 (same year), so I doubt there was any direct influence from PWPH to MCC.

Old_Zircon - 2013-07-21

Pee Wee's Playhouse was adapted from his stage show The Pee Wee Herman Show (basically the same characters and similar sets), and that had been around for a couple years already.

snothouse - 2013-07-21

The art director / builder for this show is Wayne White, who went on to be a driving force of Pee-Wee's PH.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-22

Yep, in a lot of ways Mrs. Cabobble's Caboose was a spiritual predecessor to PeeWee's Playhouse because of the puppetry of Wayne White, who built a lot of the puppets and did a lot of voices on Pee Wee's Playhouse (Randy, Dirty Dog, and others).

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2013-07-21

Nearly brought a tear to my eye.

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