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Comment count is 12
timmylean - 2007-02-01

I was expecting something more heavy-handed. This was actually really good.

halon - 2007-02-02

If only that America existed today...

Spit Spingola - 2007-02-02

Great animation. This was directed by Hanna and Barbera.

Daughters of Uzbek - 2007-02-02

America, you rock.

enochemery - 2007-02-02

I like how the commie wears a zoot suit

Dan Druff - 2007-02-02

I'm curious to find out how this ISN'T heavy handed... good animation for sure, not exactly clever.

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-25

You can't enjoy excellent propaganda?

xenocide - 2007-02-02

"And you're protected against unreasonable search!" Not anymore, you ironic cartoon, you.

Gurlugon - 2007-02-02

God bless lily white America

FABIO2 - 2007-05-21

1:09, kid with the bowl cut. Seems like they were trying to cover every ethnicity with just him.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-06-17

This really makes me want to use the word "flatfoot" in daily life. Also, this is pretty amazing, I'm surprised I'd never heard of this before.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-06-20

Communists are much, much taller than capitalists, and therefore evil.

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