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Comment count is 12
Nominal - 2013-07-28

I dunno. I love the Plinkett reviews, but I think all these guys want to do is screw around making lame gore movies with their friends in the garage. Making bad garage movies with your friends is usually only fun to you and your friends.

I think I'll just go back and rewatch the Jack & Jill review. Same message, better presentation.

chairsforcheap - 2013-07-28

i am a flyover cow. Moo

TheSupafly - 2013-07-28

Its a quality critique and production for what it is, but not what I would consider needing to be desperately shared with poetv.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2013-07-29

Surprise surprise, guys who would sit around make Star Wars reviews longer than the movies they are reviewing are not the most balanced, healthy, or intelligent people.

NancyDrewFan123 - 2013-07-28

I thought it was pretty funny.

Mother_Puncher - 2013-07-28

Adam Sandler's funny, bro. I wanna get chauklet wasted

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-07-28

I laughed.

infinite zest - 2013-07-28

I hate to be that "I know these guys" guy but I knew these guys when I lived in Milwaukee and worked at the Oriental Theatre (that's the theatre you see in some of the Plinkett reviews). Underneath was this bar/bowling alley and we'd get drunk and talk shit about film, and how useless going to film school is. Glad to see Redlettermedia's doing well.

bac - 2013-07-28

That's pretty cool. How much can they drink? I bet it's a lot.

Nominal - 2013-07-28

Going to film school is great if you come from enough money to finance the entire thing, all the big projects you want to do, and buy/know your way into all the useful contacts.

But yeah otherwise it's useless. If you're not rich, you're putting yourself into massive debt for the ridiculous tuition they all carry (UCLA is probably the cheapest, and even that's expensive THANKS REAGAN) and you'll never be able to make your own stuff. You're forced to work on the rich, but creatively bankrupt jackass fellow student's stuff.

Any actual skills you learn could be picked up in a couple of weeks at any rental house.

takewithfood - 2013-07-29

This is all that needs to be done/said after the Jack and Jill review.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-29

Adam Sandler is hilarious!

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