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Comment count is 10
fedex - 2013-08-06

been there, no fun but always funny!

CJH - 2013-08-06

yeah just chuck your cups on the side of the trail, i'm sure someone will clean it up

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-06

"moans of the dying"

boner - 2013-08-06

I'd almost think this demonstrates how hard you have been pushing your body, but this has happened to my lazy ass while stretching my legs in bed.

theSnake - 2013-08-07

this sounds counter-intuitive but when that happens you should stand up immediately. "pointing" your toes at any angle downward prolongs it and then you get this video

Bort - 2013-08-07

Same thing for me. This used to happen to me back when I wasn't getting much of any exercise; sometimes I'd wake up, stretch my legs, and then one bundle of muscle fiber would go apeshit and refuse to relax. It still happens, now that I bicycle / go for hikes / etc a lot, but very rarely, and never as intensely. (That said, my exercise regimen still has me hobbling around like Torgo a fair amount, and I am disappointed that nobody understands why I sometimes whistle the Torgo theme.)

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-08-06

How lucky he had a chair handy!

chumbucket - 2013-08-07

I had this happen to both of my calves after my fastest marathon last year. I did my best not to look like a complete idiot and just sat on the ground while I could physically see my muscles move into crsmp mode. Fuck that was miserable.

mustard - 2013-08-07

Before the cyclist grabs his arm the reporter asks the cyclist if he is about to cramp up.

tethercat - 2013-08-07

0:27, the narrator says "oral sex". What with all the screaming and sweaty muscles, this is some kinky shit here.

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