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Comment count is 13
Cube - 2013-08-08

... At least it's not a Jack Black stroker, eh?

What's up with this stuff lately? A hundred years ago this was supposed to be a nice, horrible SFW site.

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-08

This is SFW by the site definition.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-08-08

Whatever happened to just using your goddamn hand?

Meerkat - 2013-08-08

Suck it, stroke it, and pump it up.

Yes ma'am. Thank you ma'am.

Cherry Pop Culture - 2013-08-08

The announcer sounds robotic. And that intro/outro cheap music! Whatta turn-on!

Nominal - 2013-08-08

Which is what makes the final, out of place dirty line so disturbing!

Boomer The Dog - 2013-08-08

'C' batteries, what a ripoff they are, they cost the same as 'D' batteries but have less than half of the capacity!

memedumpster - 2013-08-08

As featured in THX 1138!

Nominal - 2013-08-08

Well, it certainly does suck!

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-08-08

Frankly this think looks better suited to a David Cronenberg film than sexual pleasure. Does the "mouth" come fitted with teeth?

La Loco - 2013-08-08

I'm going to use mine to remove the tracking device the machines put in my belly.

garcet71283 - 2013-08-08

Why do i think that the focus on the "quick release valve" is the result of legal action

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-08-09

Putting your dick into machinery is a really hazardous past time.

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