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Comment count is 24
Pope Caius - 2013-08-10

This is what happens when someone continues watching the Care Bears past the age of five. And so the internet continues pushing me toward the side of school bullies, good going.

jangbones - 2013-08-10

let it be known that twenty years after technology allowed worldwide interconnectedness, the primary purpose of communication is now complaining about how other people communicate

ashtar. - 2013-08-10

She's right.
�Irony and cynicism were just what the U.S. hypocrisy of the fifties and sixties called for. That�s what made the early postmodernists great artists. The great thing about irony is that it splits things apart, gets up above them so we can see the flaws and hypocrisies and duplicates. The virtuous always triumph? Ward Cleaver is the prototypical fifties father? "Sure." Sarcasm, parody, absurdism and irony are great ways to strip off stuff�s mask and show the unpleasant reality behind it. The problem is that once the rules of art are debunked, and once the unpleasant realities the irony diagnoses are revealed and diagnosed, "then" what do we do? Irony�s useful for debunking illusions, but most of the illusion-debunking in the U.S. has now been done and redone. Once everybody knows that equality of opportunity is bunk and Mike Brady�s bunk and Just Say No is bunk, now what do we do? All we seem to want to do is keep ridiculing the stuff. Postmodern irony and cynicism�s become an end in itself, a measure of hip sophistication and literary savvy. Few artists dare to try to talk about ways of working toward redeeming what�s wrong, because they�ll look sentimental and naive to all the weary ironists. Irony�s gone from liberating to enslaving. There�s some great essay somewhere that has a line about irony being the song of the prisoner who�s come to love his cage.�
David Foster Wallace

candyheadrobot - 2013-08-15

^ yep. While she's talking about tumblr, the core of her argument is more applicable to social interactions in general, which is funny, considering that people are more reliant on internet use to be social today.

Mother_Puncher - 2013-08-10

tumblr is a shithole. She isnt helping. And I keep thinking she might be moderately attractive due to her voice but then she keeps talking about Care Bears and crossovers

ashtar. - 2013-08-10

Her voice reminds me of stalkedinboston

Jericho - 2013-08-10

she is right. the stupid levels of 'irony' on tumblr are just a shield for very insecure people. also i'm using the word aero-stocracy from now on

CIWB - 2013-08-10

I can't imagine caring about this. I can't imagine that I've cared enough about it to spend 5 seconds commenting about it.

If you find yourself in anyway concerned about the "tumblr community", it's time to throw your laptop in the garbage.

Gmork - 2013-08-10

i disdain laptops but agree with the sentiment

chumbucket - 2013-08-10

I don't care.

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-11


BHWW - 2013-08-10

When did Tumblr go from a place to share images and other things to being infested with bronies, weirdoes, people who claim to be werewolves or indigo children or demisexuals and Social Justice Warriors who spend most of their time getting into snits over the most trivial and stupid crap?

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-08-10

From what little I know about Tumblr, it's like an insta-reblog site. You see something on someone else's Tumblr (and I think the site itself suggests things to you), you can just click a button and POOF! it's on your blog. There's no thought, no filter, and little critique before a bunch of people have gone "ditto!" to something that's been presented to their narrow interests. It sounds like it's the ultimate echo chamber generator, even moreso than YouTube (and we've seen what that's done for the mentally ill and conspiracy-obsessed).

It sounds like a system that would lead to the rapid jerking of knees. I think such a site would've melted down in the days when "fursecution" was a common byword on the internet.

Aubrey McFate - 2013-08-10

I don't care what you say, I'm gonna be myself and love Care Bears and shippy stuff!!!! (TへT)

*Comments are disabled for this video*

Aubrey McFate - 2013-08-10


Old_Zircon - 2013-08-11


Gmork - 2013-08-10

The problem with tumblr is it's made up of people. That's the problem with everything, really. People.

Braze - 2013-08-10

So the entire thing is about her being upset that people razzed on her for liking carebears.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-08-10

She's probably right, but I'm not going to listen to 15 minutes of this. I'm just going to say what I always say.

We need more editing on the internet. Everybody should feel free to block obnoxious users. Delete Trolls. Disable comments. And laugh at people when they accuse you of censorship. Editing is not censorship.

Monkey Napoleon - 2013-08-11

Welcome to the internet, crazy lady!

Monkey Napoleon - 2013-08-11

No, but seriously. Fuck people who participate in online communities because they think it offers them a shortcut to social interaction. Whenever I hear someone blubbering about getting trolled, all I can hear is "waaahhhh I'm too lazy or dysfunctional to ACTUALLY be social and I thought this was a place I could be totally weird and that's ok." No, no it's not ok. Would you be accepted if you went around your town striking up conversations with total strangers and then worked in something about the carebears every single time and then wouldn't shut up about it while wearing all carebears branded clothing and talking like a child?

CornOnTheCabre - 2013-08-12

It reminds me of all the "Nice Guys on OKCupid" tumblrs -- they might provide endless amounts of entertainment and delicious shame, but when it comes right down to it, I have absolutely no sympathy for someone who uses the same device I use to order pizza and watch Star Trek re-runs to essentially lay the groundwork for an intimate relationship, only to find out that dating websites are not some omnipotent instrument that magically aligns all of your expectations for "how a human being should be treated" upon every single lowlife on The Internet.

Sudan no1 - 2013-08-11

Remember how POE red used to make fun of the emos, "shippers," and otherkin special snowflakes on Livejournal?

Apparently all of "those people" moved to tumblr, not realizing A) It's all public, unlike LJ where you can easily make your embarrassing posts 'friends only.' And B) everything is repostable, so the kind of people who make fun of snowflakes can repost your heartfelt LJ post on their blog and add their own snark.

What I'm saying is this kind of super sensitive person should move back to LJ or one of its clones.

pyslexic dharmacist - 2013-08-15

I would have considerably more sympathy for this girl if she would stop saying "ironicness" as if it's a word.


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