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Desc:With inexplicable American Beauty music. Look just be glad it's online.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Science & Technology
Tags:Breaking Bad, bryan cranston, mike erhmantraut, half measure, watch breaking bad
Submitted:Sexy Duck Cop
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Comment count is 19
Sexy Duck Cop - 2013-08-12

For those of you who stopped halfway through Season 2, this is part of the payoff that begins developing in Season 3 and continues right up until tonight's episode.

takewithfood - 2013-08-12

Comments such as this are why I stopped watching halfway through Season 2.

EvilHomer - 2013-08-12

People who stopped watching halfway through the second season missed Badger sells meth to The New Guy, Badger and Skinny Pete go to the Music Store (ft CPE Bach), and Badger pitches a Star Trek episode.

NO HALF MEASURES, YOU MOOKS. If you're gonna watch, go all the way.

spikestoyiu - 2013-08-12

People stopped watching this show? I feel like it never slowed down or hit a rough patch. It's the only show I can think of that has really only ever consistently gotten better.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2013-08-12

If anybody stops watching Breaking Bad, it's always the middle of Season 2. In a way, I don't blame them, since there's a lot of table-setting and character-building, but in hindsight all of it was absolutely essentially to begin Jesse's transition from obnoxious Eminem wannabe to the moral heart of the story.

CornOnTheCabre - 2013-08-12

"Comments such as this are why I stopped watching halfway through Season 2."

you mean the near-universal assurance from everyone who watches the show that there's an unmistakable tone shift that you might want to judge for yourself, seeing as how you've already invested in the show at more or less its least dramatic?

i can understand being so pensive about excuses like this, considering LOST and (to a lesser extent) Walking Dead fans pulled this "YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS BEFORE JUDGING CORRECTLY" shit for just about every single episode of the show... but considering how unanimous fans are about the specific point when Breaking Bad starts building towards more immediate threats, I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to see that through just to spite some internet nobodies who, honestly, couldn't care less what you actually watch.

Gmork - 2013-08-13

Walking dead is kinda boring now, even after stuff happening.

jangbones - 2013-08-12

"Yeah. Funny how words can be so open to interpretation."

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2013-08-12

counterpoint: he kills people for money.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2013-08-12

Shut the fuck up and let Mike monologue in peace.

Bort - 2013-08-12

Wait, now they're saying Walt IS Heisenberg??? Way to throw some last-minute "Lost" bullshit at us, guys.

It's a little late in the game to be introducing new characters too, like that brown-haired guy with the beard who stole Heisenberg's ricin capsule (the one hidden in Walt's house). I suppose Heisenberg's going to have to kill him too. Excuse me, "Walt/Heisenberg" is going to have to kill him too.

This show's too full of crazy twists for the sake of crazy twists. They should follow a more straightforward narrative model, like "Superman" comics: for years it's been the adventures of Superman and his reporter pals (Jimmy / Lois / Clark / Perry), and it's done just fine.

EvilHomer - 2013-08-12

No, Walt's always been Heisenberg. It was a mascot character he made up to help promote the car wash he bought with his gambling winnings.

The guy with the beard is a meth cooker, and HE falsely used the Heisenberg alias in order to frame Walt. The mysterious meth man is also the guy who blew up Jessie's grandpa. That was pretty mean of him.

I'm thinking the meth chef is going to turn out to be Hank. Why else would he be so obsessed with this case, even though Obama is out of the picture, and why else would he have all the evidence in this garage? He probably flipped while in Mexico with the DEA; that would explain why he's been acting so weird ever since the Danny Trejo incident.

Bort - 2013-08-12

About Jessie's grandpa ... couldn't they have picked a better actor? I realize he didn't have a lot to do, but he kept mugging for the camera like he was in an Adam Sandler film. A little bit goes a long way, dude.

Jimmy Labatt - 2013-08-12

These exchanges are almost as good as the show itself.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2013-08-12

I know, the 11th-hour "oooh Walt has multiple personality disorder" twist and the completely pointless cameo by Brian Posehn was pretty tacky, but let's face it, not every show can be as immaculately plotted as Dexter.

Bort - 2013-08-25

EvilHomer: I just watched "Confessions", and it turns out you totally called it about Hank. Nice work!

Bort - 2014-03-20

I can't believe I never noticed this before: at the beginning of this clip, Mike says that he used to be a B-cup. Mike used to be a woman, back in his policeman days! I bet he was Jesse's birth-mom, which is why he took Jesse under his wing.

bac - 2013-08-12

Great scenes with added music kinda fuck the scene. Also, your tags are shit. E for effort though.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2013-08-12

Look just be glad it's online.

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