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Comment count is 15
bopeton - 2013-08-21

Man they said "stitches" and didn't take the opportunity to rhyme with "bitches"?

Also nice description.

sasazuka - 2013-08-21

The description was going to be for a multi-part submission, but I got an error message.

Here's the hard CK "Melmackian" version: http://youtu.be/v8PcZiSXnzU

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-08-21

I watched too much of this show in my youth. It had some pretty good episodes and was actually a lot better than the live action show.

Xenocide - 2013-08-21

By 80's cartoon standards, this is really well animated. The song isn't awful, either.

Why in God's name would anyone waste this kind of effort on ALF?

The best thing about this show was the creeping realization that every single character except ALF would be dead soon.

themilkshark - 2013-08-21

Yeah, ALF was a serious childhood mindfuck for me. Did it annoy you how hard they were trying to beat the name Gordon into your skull in that theme song?

Xenocide - 2013-08-21

I Gordon didn't Gordon even Gordon notice Gordon that Gordon.

Kid Fenris - 2013-08-21

The spaceship scenes on this show are surprisingly well done. You can tell that some animator was just aching to work on a Gundam or Macross series.

Nominal - 2013-08-21

Not true! The sitcom had an episode where it showed his fat friend and Rhonda survived!

Cube - 2013-08-21

Remember Gordon? He's back... In Pog form!

Spaceman Africa - 2013-08-21

Stars for Cube

BHWW - 2013-08-21

It was an ALF crazy time in America, you couldn't lose when it came to spearheading an ALF-related project. And it all rested on the shoulders of a crazy puppeteer/voiceover guy who was by most accounts...well, "extraordinarily difficult to work with" would be a gross understatement.

sasazuka - 2013-08-21

I tried submitting this as a multi-part but just got an error message,

Here's the "Melmackian" version: http://youtu.be/v8PcZiSXnzU

Otherwise identical to this version, except they changed that one word to keep it in line with the live-action sitcom version pronunciation of "Melmacian", which I guess had never been pronounced before when Shuki Levy wrote the cartoon theme song.

It's like the theme song "gaslighted" kids, making them think they were going crazy, sometimes hearing "Melmasian" and sometimes having "Melmackian".

memedumpster - 2013-08-21

Holy shit, the bottom left related is Alf in German. I swear to god he's typing and I think he says it's "Mein Kampf."

Bort - 2013-08-21

Nah, he said "mein Kopf" ("my head"). ALF is clearly Jewish anyway.

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-21

The nose is a dead giveaway.

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