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Comment count is 13
Gmork - 2013-08-21

CKY is older than Tom Green's popularity.

Also, jackass does it better.

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-21

I've got mixed feelings on Tom Green, but Jackass is unwatchable.

Tom Green was getting started around what, '93? I remember he first started to really blow up when I was in high school, and I graduated in the spring of '96

Ocyrus - 2013-08-21

The Arlington Road Crew was doing some of these things 5 years before CKY ever even existed, but those cable access tapes have been lost and mostly forgotten.

Bootymarch - 2013-08-21

Unwatchable? Some of it is terrible, and all of it retarded, but if you don't crack a smile at a midget under a giant traffic cone then I don't know

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-21

I'll admit I haven't seen enough of it to say none of the pranks are good, but the people doing them and the style in which they're presented is all just impenetrably awful. I'm sure some of the actual stuff they do is funny if you can look past that, but I haven't yet.

lotsmoreorcs - 2013-08-21

have you seen his canadian broadcast stuff? fuck cky2k

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-21

The Canadian stuff is the good stuff.

spikestoyiu - 2013-08-21

It's hard to deny that people simply were not throwing up before Tom Green.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-08-21

I've always liked Green, despite the fact that he's Tom Green. The guy is a poor man's performance artist.

jangbones - 2013-08-21

he had a couple of years where he did some really funny, innovative comedy bits

then his awful personality intervened

zurf - 2013-08-21

5 for truth.

fatatty - 2013-08-21

Who cares. We have Sam Hyde now. The internet's Tom Green.

Chancho - 2013-08-21

Let's see Jackass do the cellphone in a dead raccoon contest.

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