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Comment count is 18
kingofthenothing - 2013-08-27

I like how fast his punching reaction was. I wonder how many other people he must punch over minor infractions and misunderstandings.

CornOnTheCabre - 2013-08-27

Or how many times he's been pantsed.

Change - 2013-08-27

I like how casual he was about it. Pants went down, pants went up, punch occurs.

SolRo - 2013-08-27

I'm pretty sure tattoo'd-shirtless-brahs actions before the pantsing and his general existence made him extremely punchable.

RocketBlender - 2013-08-28

In his defense, I'd throw a punch too if I thought I could get away with it.

Chancho - 2013-08-27

More of a love tap than a punch.

spikestoyiu - 2013-08-27

If you wear sweatpants out in public, you're just asking to me pantsed. Or depantsed. Not sure what the proper nomenclature is here.

CJH - 2013-08-27

he's winning an eating contest, i'd say sweatpants were a wise choice

Cheese - 2013-08-28


spikestoyiu - 2013-08-28


Jet Bin Fever - 2013-08-27

At least he was wearing underwear.

Kabbage - 2013-08-27

Sweatpants make us all feel a little bit like a chicken wing champ.

Kabbage - 2013-08-27

(That was supposed to be a reply to CJH)

Old People - 2013-08-27


baleen - 2013-08-28

Holy shit that was perfect.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-08-28

Fun fact: Depanster.com is open.

chumbucket - 2013-08-28

Someone needed to punch wailing woman.

1394 - 2013-08-28

Not enough people in this video were punched, but that's ok.

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