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Desc:You know he is going to having a terrible falling out with his new sugar daddy bestie. Yeah.
Category:Science & Technology
Tags:spikebravo, nick bravo, spike bravo, future lifelong enemy of spike bravo
Submitted:Jack Dalton
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Comment count is 14
hammsangwich - 2013-09-02

Uh, what

Hooker - 2013-09-02

He's just unbelievable. He uses a stack of money as a prop (which may, in fact, be a prop) and then let's some "friend" (prop) talk about Warren Buffett using a stack of money as a prop.

Gangstalking schizophrenics are less narcissistic than Spike.

simon666 - 2013-09-02

How many of you are shit talking on his YT page? haha.

baleen - 2013-09-02

I never really stopped.

Gmork - 2013-09-02

I didn't get to see corky :(

Burnov - 2013-09-02

Let me guess, he privated the video already?


Jack Dalton - 2013-09-02

No-- you just have to hit original link if you want to watch.... In fact, you can watch new classics not posted her like "Spike Bravo buys a trailer."

boner - 2013-09-02

did these guys buy a bridge or something

EvilHomer - 2013-09-02

One thing I've noticed about Nick is that, no matter how long he talks for, he never makes a point or ties together the things he's said. This video's not really any different, but towards the end, Nick does reveal some interesting insights into the way his mind operates. Nick wants to make a lot of money, and he wants to do this with as little effort as possible. This, apparently, is the message he got from skimming Ayn Rand. As he says a few times in this video, he wants to work smart, not hard.

My uncle is an investment banker. He's fairly wealthy, one of those "dime a dozen" rich guys Nick and Friend talk about during the video, and, going strictly on the metric established by our two heroes, he's a very successful, very WORTHWHILE, human being. He worked smart, very smart.

He also worked 16 hour shifts, six days a week, for almost twenty years. He traveled to Manhattan, India, Hong Kong, Dubai, none of it for long or by choice. He went wherever his firm told him, whenever they decided they needed a new body in a new building. His wife hates him, he never had time to see his kids, and now, fifty years old, he's retired... and going out of his mind, because he has no work to consume his every waking moment.

I know this isn't news to anyone, but Christ, Hollywood Bravo is one silly little man. Nick doesn't want to be a capitalist, he wants to be an MTV movie star. He doesn't want to go to a posh university and study for years just so he can spend night after sleepless night in an office trading and networking and stabbing his fellow bankers in the back before spending an entire evening video conferencing with boring asshole executives in China. He wants to sit on his ass for six and a half days a week and get paid a completely outrageous sum by his social betters for simply showing up and saying a few words on camera. And I imagine if he HAD the money, he'd blow it all in a week on gaudy nouveau riche crap, like another useless muscle car or a swimming pool full of dogfood. Rather than, you know, INVESTING it in boring profitable shit like a real capitalist ubermensch would.

Also, what's the deal with Nick and Warren Buffet? As an Objectivist, I'd have thought he'd HATE Warren Buffet, or at least have a few choice words for Sweet Willy-B about his Keynesian sympathies. (seriously, fuck Warren Buffet, that smug fat holier-than-thought mercantilist. No matter how hard he wriggles, when the class war comes, HE WILL NOT BE SPARED) But instead all Corky seems to care about is the fact that Warren Buffet is a famous rich guy... possibly the ONLY the rich guy that Corky is actually aware of. Well, him and Trump, I'd wager, but Trump got his money from his dad (how's nepotism work in your "having money makes you a worthwhile human being" theory, guys?) and at any rate Trump blew most of it on bad real estate projects because he's an idiot.

Jack Dalton - 2013-09-02

Yeah-- I get the sense listening to him that he is trying to ride the coattails of his more successful friend. Nick is not a charismatic guy, but he makes up for it with a shameless persistence that apparently charms some sucker from time to time.

On to your point--it's the same thing in law...the dream job is working for a firm, but very few pay well early on. If you want to put in the work and get rich, you will likely become a bitter, friendless automaton obsessed with billable hours, stressed about deadlines and what the partners think of your work. That assumes that you have the privilege of even landing a law firm gig. There is no fast track to wealth... Other than being from a rich family or incredibly lucky.

Enjoy - 2013-09-02

Nailed it EvilHomer. Your post completely packages up why I hate MLMs. They teach this idea that if you invest 0 in a starter kit and dream big and harass the hell out of your friends and neighbors, you'll soon just be counting your money on a yacht. "Residual income" and "what are your dreams?" are the siren's song to the get-my-lazy-ass-to-the-front-of-the-line crowd.

When you meet people who earned modest wealth, they worked their asses off for years and are, like you say, kind of messed up for the experience.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-09-02

Corky is big on image, and that's one of the things that makes him so creepy. I think he believes, deep down, that people just throw money at people who act all self-possessed and wear sunglasses and drive convertibles. He wouldn't know a valuable job skill if it jumped up and bit him.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-09-02

Love the "future lifelong enemy of Spike Bravo" tag.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-09-03

so much truth in that tag.

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