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Comment count is 8
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-09-04

Please dear fucking God let this film be made.

Hooker - 2013-09-04

Just keep in mind while watching this that it's technically "Dr. Uwe Boll."

EvilHomer - 2013-09-04

I actually liked Postal. Sure, I nerdraged about a dozen times or so, who wouldn't? Boll absolutely BUTCHERED the plot, like he either didn't know, or more likely, didn't care about Postal's canon! But though he failed utterly in capturing the world of Postal, he did capture the spirit. Sort of. And for that, I have to give the man props.

It's not a great movie, not even by the Lloyd-Kaufman Test. But I don't think I *regret* seeing it, which for Boll is absolutely brilliant.

memedumpster - 2013-09-04

Postal is one of the best comedies ever made.

Riskbreaker - 2013-09-04

So, he finally ran out of nazi gold?

chumbucket - 2013-09-04

oh my gotteradammerung, zis guy.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-09-04

If I had stupid amounts of money, I would pour it into this. I might get arrested for aiding the rape of Heidi Klum though.

Bisekrankas - 2013-09-04

I read that as Portal

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