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Comment count is 19
misterbuns - 2013-10-04

Adri�n Gonz�lez 3 hours ago
Todd, I think I might have another job for your uncle

wtf japan - 2013-10-04

Amauri E. Alc�ntara 21 minutes ago
"I am the Juan who knocks."

Hooker - 2013-10-04

Amazing comment. Five stars for Mr. Alc�ntara.

wtf japan - 2013-10-04

A Columbia drug lord must become a chemistry teacher to support his family in the wake of Central and South American drug liberalization.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-10-04

Colombian, not Columbian. Don't make this mistake again.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-04

Jet, you're wrong. The tags say so. OBEY THE TAGS.

Old People - 2013-10-04

for wtfjapan

RocketBlender - 2013-10-04

I really wish they actually do call him Walter Blanco.

BHWW - 2013-10-04

That seriously is the name of the character. And his wife is named Cielo. Seriously.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-10-04

Si! Imanes, Perra!

Hooker - 2013-10-04

Jose Pinkman will be calling him Mr. Blanco.

misterbuns - 2013-10-04

Also: Dudes, it's COLOMBIA, not the place in Canada.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-10-04

THANK YOU. I hate that!

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-04

Oh. I thought it was the smallish-sized city in the middle of Missouri. Thanks for clearing that up.

deadpan - 2013-10-04

Becoming the meth kingpin of an Ivy League university would also work as a spinoff.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-04

Are you talking about Columbia, MO, deadpan? Missouri's got the meth, but I don't know if I'd call Mizzou "Ivy League."

Blue - 2013-10-04

Don't they have universal healthcare in Colombia?

Spaceman Africa - 2013-10-04

A lot of people are mad about this for some reason.

Daddy Warcrimes - 2013-10-05

"I'm sorry sir, Vince Gilligan is unavailable."

"Well then, get me his Mexican non-union equivalent!"

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