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Desc:The old hag must not have liked his trip to 'bangers'
Tags:prostitution, scumbag, archieluxury, driving cabs, pleasures of the flesh
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Comment count is 17
EvilHomer - 2013-10-13

I've spent the last two hours on his channel.

Scrimmjob - 2013-10-13

I like the one where he is sitting in the grass, drinking wine with the indifferent Thai woman.

misterbuns - 2013-10-13

Yeah, it's a scene from a wes anderson movie.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-10-13

Post it! I can't bring myself to wade into the cesspool that is his channel.

Scrimmjob - 2013-10-13

I haven't fully plumbed the depths of his channel yet. I'm about 3 weeks deep, and there is a half dozen or so videos which are borderline worth submitting.

misterbuns - 2013-10-14

Honestly, this stuff is making me depressed.

it's really awful in a transcendent way.

how he is panhandeling for views. his delusions of grandeur. his obsession with luxury juxtaposed with his destitute, solitary life.

it makes me feel hungover just listening to this shit.

fuck this zeitgeist.

misterbuns - 2013-10-14

he's not just drinking wine with an indifferent thai woman.

he's bragging about his income from google ads (which has to be exaggerated) and blue sky thinking about how to expand his viewership and hire writers...while sweating like a big, visibly drunk off of cheap strawberry wine, his only audience a camera held Yorick style and an indifferent, homely prostitute who can't even humor his bright eyed attention with eye contact as she drinks his booze.


misterbuns - 2013-10-14

oh yeah.

on his birthday.

Old_Zircon - 2013-10-14

Post the link already!

Old_Zircon - 2013-10-14

OR do you mean the one that was submitted earlier today?

ashtar. - 2013-10-13


Pillager - 2013-10-13

Karma. It's a beautiful thing.

Sputum - 2013-10-14

My god, the shrills profanity vs the pleasant carnival ride footage. This belongs in a museum.

The Mothership - 2013-10-14

"...when I married that Russian."

I think we all know what sort of Russian we're talking about.

Also the taxi discussion is fucking gold, let this be a lesson to us all.

Also Archieluxury and I share a passion for luxury watches. goddammit.

RocketBlender - 2013-10-14

In your combined defense, those are some pretty cool looking watches, there's bound to be a few people that like them you'd disagree with. Also, for what it's worth, I strongly doubt he owns (or owned?) that many of them to begin with.

morva - 2013-10-14

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casualcollapse - 2020-01-05

Glad I pay attention to who is rating what so I saw this

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