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Comment count is 12
The Mothership - 2013-10-15

Yea ok, that's a pretty happy dog. cute, too. I hear huskies are a lot of work, like 1 husky = 1.5 children, true? I got one kid now and she's enough work as it is, but the wife wants a dog.

Flying Omelette - 2013-10-15

I had a Siberian Husky when I was growing up and he was an awesome dog in most respects. The biggest problem was that he liked to run, which is what they're bred to do. So, at any chance to escape the yard, off he'd go and sometimes he'd get blocks away before we could catch him.

That, and they shed like crazy in the summer. As much as I'd love to have another one, if I ever got another dog I'd probably go for something smaller and easier to train.

TeenerTot - 2013-10-15

My brother had one. Flying Omelette is correct on both counts. Plus, my brother's would "talk" (whine and moan) all the time. And he wouldn't need an open gate to run off--he'd jump the fence.

Generally a sweet dog. But kinda dumb.

Anaxagoras - 2013-10-16

Huskies aren't particularly hard to train, but as with all dogs it's much harder to train them when they're underexercised and bursting with energy. And as Flying Omelette mentioned, they're bred to run and run and run. So if you're a long distance jogger, they're a perfect dog for you and low maintenance. If you're anybody else, they can be quite a handful.

Malamutes are a pretty good husky-like alternative. They look similar, but they're about 30 pounds bigger on average. Their exercise requirements are lower, but otherwise they tend to have similar personalities as huskies: super friendly and not particularly "guardy".

misterbuns - 2013-10-15

This is wonderful, though I wanted your original upload to make it through,

because that woman totally fucks those dogs.

Flying Omelette - 2013-10-15

I haven't even watched that "wrong" video. I don't know how it got there, but since this was my first ever submission I probably screwed it up somehow.

misterbuns - 2013-10-15

Are you the woman who fucks those dogs?

ashtar. - 2013-10-15

Oh wow, a new user. Welcome to poeTV!


Chocolate Jesus - 2013-10-15

Welcome to poeTV!

Old_Zircon - 2013-10-15

I didn't know it was even possible to start an account anymore.

fedex - 2013-10-15

That's Chocolate Jesus, he one-stars everything

also I think this dog is pretending the leaves are snow

Flying Omelette - 2013-10-15

Technically not a new user. Just my first submission. YouTube almost never recommends me anything good. I was shocked this was in my recommendations, but wasn't already here.

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