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Comment count is 26
bopeton - 2013-10-14

If they really wanted this to have any impact, they should have gotten a straight man to narrate it.

Innocent Bystander - 2013-10-15

He just sounds, fittingly enough, like he has something shoved up his butthole while he's talking.

Toenails - 2013-10-14

When a dirty old man shows a kid any kind of thing in a park, he'd probably be arrested anyway.

Merzbau - 2013-10-14

"junior anti-sex league" tag please

Blue - 2013-10-14

Why can't we go back to the days when teens didn't have sex? Why can't it be like it was when teenage girls would be sent away to a distant relative for a year and recently married couples would almost invariably have premature births?

Deplorable - 2013-10-14

Why don't we have government-subsidized chastity devices for kids? With different sizes so they grow with them! I can think of nothing more wholesome. I'll be sharing the link to my online petition shortly.

memedumpster - 2013-10-15

I laughed my ass off at this, it's like Planned Parenthood is intentionally trolling Christianity now.

Xenocide - 2013-10-15

This is seriously the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I mean I can buy the idea that Planned Parenthood is actually a secret pedophile organization created by Satan to harvest aborted baby souls which he can then use to fill his Muslim armies. That's just science.

But the idea that anyone would ever need to "sell" masturbation to teenagers? Now you're just talking crazy. Teenagers have more enthusiasm for masturbation than they do for breathing. If you put the full force of an insanely rich, globally powerful organization's propaganda machine to work 24 hours a day for two thousand years, you might be able to convince roughly 5% of the world's teenagers to stop diddling themselves for about a month. I know this because I just described the history of the Catholic Church.

Now shut up and tell me where I can get some vagina macaroons.

Innocent Bystander - 2013-10-15

I think you'll find that prior to the 60's, there was no masturbation. It only began after the damn dirty hippies went all "groovy" and came up with gay sex and after that jerking off.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-15

Before Scott Adams started going nuts on his MRA bent and using sock puppets on the 'net to post pro-him comments on message boards, he had a cartoon where Dilbert was coding a program to keep kids from finding sexual content on the internet.

Dogbert: "You're pitting your programming skills against the combined libido of ever 16-year-old on the internet?"
Dilbert: "What's your point?"
Dogbert: "Did you know that if you put a little hat on a snowball, it'll last a really long time in Hell?"

pyslexic dharmacist - 2013-10-15

Giving out birth control and educating kids on how to use it sounds like an excellent way to sell abortions.

Deplorable - 2013-10-15

Then all those abortions lead to more sex. We have to stop the cycle!

Innocent Bystander - 2013-10-15

"Is it wonder that 1 in 4 teenage girls has an STD?"

This from a group which is ragging on Planned Parenthood because they teach condom use. Wanna make up your mind?

Innocent Bystander - 2013-10-15

Also: people forget so fast what a bunch of perverts kids really are. You don't even have to be 13 to have full-blown sexual fantasies and be into all kinds of kinky shit. Some girls have began masturbating at 10 years old. It seems that when people hit 40 and get kids of their own, they lose all perspective on adolescence and start clutching their pearls in disbelief and asking why will no one think of the children.

bac - 2013-10-15


I know it actually is. It's just whenever I hear someone say 'sex addiction' I think of that line from Archer, and laugh. Incidentally I'm excited for season 5. Incidentally this guy is a fucking loon.

Redford - 2013-10-15

Marrying your daughter symbolically is fine, but actually telling her what genitals do is taboo.


Quad9Damage - 2013-10-15

Throwing an entire prom where the theme is "No Penises in My Little Girl's Vagina! '13" is fine." Forcing your nine-year-old daughter to sign a purity pledge is perfectly alright.

Actually explaining sexual intercourse is indoctrination and an abomination.

Quad9Damage - 2013-10-15

I've flipped through "It's Perfectly Normal." It's not so much that the book is explicit, it's just that Christians think any kind of comprehensive sex education is dirty and evil and that kids should stay ignorant of sex until they're trying to figure out what fits where on their wedding nights.

What I'd really like to know is what that gay pride parade montage track is called. That is awesome, and I want that on my driving music playlist right now.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-15

I wonder if someday there'll be a sub-cult of Christianity that abhors sex so much that it'll use artificial insemination to achieve pregnancy, with the sperm extracted from the male via a large needle blessed by his priest.

Quad9Damage - 2013-10-16

I think the point of those cartoons in "It's Perfectly Normal" is to make sex education fun and easier to digest rather than rigid, scary and clinical. It's the same reason that when I was 11, the author of "The What's Happening to My Body? Book For Boys" suggested that I photocopy the sketches of penises and vaginas to color them in. The purpose is to break the ice by gradually getting the reader to stop giggling and feeling awkward about sex so they can start learning.

A Christian interprets all that as "what kind of SICK PERVERT shows MY BOY a sketch of a male member!? C-COLORING VULVAS!?" And then they purge their house of all phallic-shaped food items and shop for a nice dress so their eight-year-old daughter can make a special pledge to daddy.

Nominal - 2015-04-16

That was the plot to A Boy and His Dog.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2013-10-15


Jet Bin Fever - 2013-10-16

Mmmm vagina macaroons! I gotta go to one of these planned parenthood parties!

Quad9Damage - 2013-10-16

Do they make cakes with pictures of women going to the bathroom?

fatatty - 2013-10-16

It's a brave new world.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2013-10-20

How is your urge to kill rising? I'm only a minute and a half in and this guy's said like 18 hilarious things, including vagina macaroons.

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