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Desc:Worldstarhiphop is your go-to site for beatdown videos and up-to-date news on the Apocalypse
Category:News & Politics
Tags:flood, apocalypse,, money,, WORLDSTARHIPHOP,
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Comment count is 8
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-21

Of course it does, just like the Illuminati NWO cards, Dan Brown's latest novel, and whatever props appeared on the last five VMA's.

bac - 2013-10-21

What's he doing at around the 3 minute mark? He says he's magnifying the image it doesn't seem like that though.

This is some unadulterated crazy.

exy - 2013-10-22

It looks like he's showing what it looks like if you introduce some random artifacts? Maybe he explains it later, but
I'm all done.

RockBolt - 2013-10-22

They predicted a shitty movie that came out a decade ago?

Also our silo and sub missiles don't have fins. And denotation a nuke on the surface is a waste of a perfectly good warhead.

Is the government so pants on head dysfunctional because they are wasting all their time hiding really obscure messages in money?

"I have prophesied it! I can't tell you the time though"

memedumpster - 2013-10-22

Yet another schizonarcichristian using movies as an argument for their nutjobbery.

The God of Biscuits - 2013-10-22

"My fellow Illuminati, it is time to proceed with our plan to destroy New York City. In accordance with our procedures, I've designed a new 100-dollar bill that shows this plan when you fold it into a 'V' shape."

baleen - 2013-10-23

"Once again, you're created something that nobody could possibly discover without being in direct communication with God. Well done Hobson."

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-10-22

Duh! Currency has always been the prophetic mouthpiece of the LORD.

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