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Comment count is 17
Monkey Napoleon - 2013-10-29



Adham Nu'man - 2013-10-29

Jesus Christ shut up.

Also, if you really can't resist the urge to vlog, try not doing it inside a refrigerator unit.

Old_Zircon - 2013-10-29

That's clearly the sound of the camera, a vlogger of this calibre must shoot on film.

EvilHomer - 2013-10-29

Cam... ra? Filum?

What is this, Filum, of which you speak?

Old_Zircon - 2013-10-29

Tag suggestions:
attention seekers
what could possibly go wrong?

Pope Caius - 2013-10-29

Alright, so story time. This is the same Mandy Vanity who made the Queen of Hearts video here:

I thought this was a new video, and thought it was *perhaps* directed at us, until I saw it was uploaded a year ago. So she had a bunch of private videos that are now public, with all the titles changed to be about this Ms Jackson character. I don't know what's going on either.

Hooker - 2013-10-29

I'm not watching this. Tell me what it is.

Hugo Gorilla - 2013-10-29

Anyone else get the feeling that she's worked as a escort? She has that Ashley Dupre vibe.

Old_Zircon - 2013-10-30

For what it's worth, she reminds me a lot of someone I dated a couple years ago (her look, not her personality), and we did get kicked off of a hotel's property when we were waiting for a cab late at night because the security guard thought she was a prostitute and I was either her pimp or a john, and we couldn't convince him otherwise.

duck&cover - 2013-10-29

Half woman/half fluorescent bulb.

ashtar. - 2013-10-29

It's incredibly disturbing to hear people that speak entirely in cliche-hash. It's like they don't have any internal life, some sort of p-zombie.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-10-29

Is that like a p-zone?

sasazuka - 2013-10-29

Is this the one I only upvoted to prove I was clever enough to figure out how to get to the voting page without a direct link?

I want a medal. Or a Nobel Prize. Which is a medal, come to think of it.

memedumpster - 2013-10-30

So THIS is what that video was. I thought it got removed.

sasazuka - 2013-10-30

I'm not sure. I don't remember what it was. Not sure if I even pressed play

Pope Caius - 2013-10-30

What I did was erase the title and description after I had submitted it because there were some factual errors I'd made (silly Pope can't check dates on anything). I was going to come back to it later, but apparently a video with a blank title was more intriguing to some. And why destroy the magic?

dairyqueenlatifah - 2013-10-30

I made it four minutes. I'm missing what's special about this.

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