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Desc:I will offer 54evil.com as a news site. The news isn't rolling but please come give me feedback
Category:Advertisements, News & Politics
Tags:life raft, i think i can, please be gentle with me, forcible Halloween dev break, crossing rifts i dont understand
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Comment count is 21
memedumpster - 2013-11-02

memedumpster would like to apologize in advance for signing up to your website.

exy - 2013-11-02

memedumpster will always have been the first user to sign up


Open Q: I have it set to confirm email addresses as part of my anti-bot strategy. I think it will also help slightly reduce ridiculous multi-account posting, but maybe that's just supposed to be part of the experience.

Do you guys want it that way or would you prefer if I don't check emails?

Also, I've adjusted the TOS from their boring vanilla version that probably covered my ass in all kinds of clever ways.

exy - 2013-11-02

Actually, looking through my logs, it looks like someone else at my host has caused MailSpike to distrust my mailserver. Rad. I know at least one confirmation email got bounced by them. I kind of don't want a million fake accounts cluttering things up, but I guess I want that more than a million unconfirmed accounts. So until it proves a problem, I guess I'll turn off email confirmation, and also those of you who are unconfirmed I'll go confirm.

memedumpster - 2013-11-02

Yeah, I tried twice to get confirmed, but alas no email was sent.

exy - 2013-11-02

You're all set up. Sorry for the delay.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-11-02

I don't get it.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-11-02

Is this the result of some bo-ne.ws internal feud or something?

exy - 2013-11-02

There is a feud of some sort, I certainly don't know the details. Something to do with POE-N going w/o support for a long time, and certain people getting banned or not getting banned or some shit like that. What I know is that there are a lot of frustrated people here, and I'm not getting the snarky commentary on news stories that I like getting. Well, I can get it here, but these threads just aren't the same, man.

So I thought I'd try and set up a news site the way people tell me they want it to be. I'll be more of a behind-the-scenes guy, counting on you guys to help with the submissions. I'll try to be responsive to your needs. I know you've been burned before.

Or, if this is a terrible idea, please tell me quickly so I can back out during my host's free trial period!

The Mothership - 2013-11-02

Well so long as it remains a site along the lines of POENEWS, in that the submitted news stories are supposed to be depressing/extreme/evil in some way and then we make snarky comments on them, yea, I'm down. Only please try to make it a bit prettier than poenews was.

exy - 2013-11-02

That's pretty much the plan to a T: news stories of horrible nature with a forum that's unusually snarky.

In fact that's the main reason I'm announcing the site before it's ready, so that interested parties can come say how they wish things worked. It's a lot easier to build it one way the first time than to build it, get complaints, and rebuild it.

At this point, everything from appearance to policies is on the table. I don't have a firm "it must be this way" vision, except as far as what MS just said. What I want it to be is popular with you lot.

memedumpster - 2013-11-02

What if we could rate the source of the news story. Maybe the front page would have an article structure like...

OBAMA LINKED TO HIGHER RATES OF DEATH IN WHITE PEOPLE - (FOX NEWS ☆) - A Focus on the Fascist Poll show white people more likely to die of stress since 2008...

CATS ARE NOT PSYCHIC SAY ECONOMISTS - (CNN MONEY ☆☆) According to Timothy Geitner, cats can't predict stock market trends...

THE WORLD IS DOOMED BECAUSE AMERICA - (RUSSIA TODAY ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 734;☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ;☆) Dooooooooooooom...

memedumpster - 2013-11-02

Or a way to submit supporting or contradictory additional sources to the story. A sort of peanut gallery peer review that may derail a lot of the "uh huh" "nuh uh" arguments. Cite a source of STFU.

SolRo - 2013-11-02

It must have cats, and anime once in a while, just to piss off some bouncers

exy - 2013-11-02

I like the idea of rating sources, and of having some sort of structural relationship between articles. Almost like you could use them to set up syllogisms or something. A vague thought.

It certainly seems like source-rating is something you'd want to keep around. I mean, Foxes gotta Fox, Guardians gotta Guard. We can keep rating them, since things change/Murdochs buy newspapers, so they may possibly fluctuate, but it could be a good open prejudice about articles'/publishers' credibility to publish.

Sometimes a story seems evil because it's a story about a politician sexting an intern: evil content. Sometimes it's evil because it's evil reporting, like someone writing how Gitmo isn't that bad when you get right down to it. Sometimes it's anime. Are simple story categories enough or should we categorize ratings too? (as i describe more @ 54evil)

Adham Nu'man - 2013-11-02

Out of the poe-news experience I'm a bit weary of threaded forums because they have a tendency to turn into two people just insulting each other ad nauseam. I do visit bo-ne.ws because I like some of the stories they post. A lot of the ones I like most are not really "evil" at all but are mostly good finds from the smithsonian blog and other stuff on natural sciences or interesting reportages. I don't have an account there and I don't post though.

I guess I'll register an account with your place and see how it develops.

I don't have a problem with how this site works and the lack of support. I like it.

exy - 2013-11-02

I check bo-news too, once I realized it existed. It's a little weird proposing what's kind of a direct competitor. But bo-news seems set up to run maybe just a little more like poe-news than I want to deal with, and for whatever reason various others of the 'ex?-poe' community won't go there.

When the occasional hiccup in poetv comes, folks get nervous because there's gotta be some backup plan other than just becoming the poetv diaspora. Or maybe there doesn't, I realized it was a comforting thought to me. I'm really not trying to "give bo a run for his money," I'm just looking to try it out. I haven't done anything quite like this since setting up a BBS in high school.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-11-02

Why though

exy - 2013-11-02

I thought there was a fairly regular wistful tone around here for the old days, so I thought I'd see if enough people wanted them back. If you know of an adequate news/discussion replacement, let me know! and I'll quit sinking my time.

bac - 2013-11-03

1. No videos or gifs in the comments!!

For the love of god. I want to be able to read what's being said not be assaulted with the internet. I always considered poe-news as a place to read and contemplate. It's hard to contemplate when a figurative clown is waving at you.

2. No memes or images.

I believe it heard said that, memes were just a way for people to express their thoughts without actually thinking. The images are going to take away from conversation. Don't get me wrong, many an hour was spent perusing the live journal random image generator hauls, but have a specific spot for such things, and leave the rest of the forums as image free as possible.

3. Keep front page political news stories to a minimum.

politics is to broken, dumb and stupid to not just wash over the front page and push other interesting stories out of the way. Be sure to have a sub-forum for such things. A front page of 90 percent news stories just doesn't seem that appealing.

Also, if it means anything, I'm pretty excited about the idea.

The Mothership - 2013-11-03

I would like to second these thoughts that bac has.

exy - 2013-11-03

Thanks for your thoughts, bac & Mothership. I put a response up on 54evil.com (spoiler: I think I should go edit the TOS). I am excited that you are excited.

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