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Comment count is 8
Nikon - 2013-11-04

C'mon, Supes. If you're going to put on sunglasses, you need to say a lame joke first.

( �_�)>⌐■-■
" what a burn."

Nikon - 2013-11-04

Or around the same time, anyway.

duck&cover - 2013-11-04

That was worth at least 3 points. Sunglasses. Ye-aahhh!

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-11-04

I'm still confused as to why the killer has a Klingon knife, unless that's either an in-joke or a commentary on what Freddie Wong & Co have lying around for props.

Old_Zircon - 2013-11-04

Troll patrol.

Monkey Napoleon - 2013-11-04


grimetooth - 2013-11-04

Geico ad alert.

namtar - 2013-11-05

This doesn't work because there is no level of superdickery when Superman punishes someone actually guilty of a heinous crime.

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