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Comment count is 6
memedumpster - 2013-11-09

Preload Caption Contest :
"Don't cry, Susie, once we're married I'll take you back to your mommy, okay!?"

xennui - 2013-11-09

Holy shit, that was terrifying.

baleen - 2013-11-10

I never tired of this man's ability to 1. Win my sympathy with a valid argument about common difficulties in a bad economy or life in general (especially being a weird looking half-deaf hunchback) and then 2. immediately destroy that argument by being a total twat.

yogarfield - 2013-11-10

i'm honestly surprised you had time to formulate point 1.

yogarfield - 2013-11-10

ok he's mentioned the amazingatheist and happycabbie. just curious, is phantomlion part of this monkeysphere? i've been putting off uploading some of his videos here for a while.. did youtube just get a little smaller?

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-11-12

I worked as a dishwasher for a few months after I finished my Masters because I needed money right then. I didn't bitch and whine about it, and I actually think it was one of my happiest employment times. There is nothing smart or savvy about Nick. He is a leech on everyone else, and he always will be.

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