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Comment count is 13
Chocolate Jesus - 2013-11-12

"We can also offer custom zipper placement anywhere you like"

chumbucket - 2013-11-12

Ugh tag. Perfect.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-11-12

I think it has rabies.

chairsforcheap - 2013-11-12

jesus the music

memedumpster - 2013-11-12

The music is the horror-mortar that holds it all together.

The Mothership - 2014-08-13

What memedumpster said.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2013-11-12

How does one breathe in one of those?
Have many people died by asphyxiation in them yet?

chumbucket - 2013-11-12

not enough

misterbuns - 2013-11-12

In my world the man in the suit just swallowed a cyanide tablet and this was a kind of live funeral, last wish sort of thing his friends put together for him and by 3:00 he is a corpse floating in ecstasy as his buddies splash around him.

it works with the music and is more interesting than the reality.

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-11-13

I'll be vacationing in misterbuns' world for the holidays, it's really scenic and bound to be more enjoyable than yet another Xmas with the folks. It also makes the preload image that much better.

That guy - 2014-08-13

"If I can't live as a purple, squishy, cartoon racooon, at least I can die as one. I love you mom and dad." - Soda the Racoon

Syd Midnight - 2013-11-15

Real raccoons do look kinda like that, if they're dead and have been floating around in water for a few days. So I'll just stick with the preload image and that happy thought.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-11-16

This would be a really embarrassing way to drown to death.

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