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Comment count is 17
MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2013-12-01

Preload image.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-01


Syd Midnight - 2013-12-01

Looks like the studio wasn't too cool with it and made her pull it down. And holy shit is this British chick annoying

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2013-12-01

How many shows has she had cancelled so far?

infinite zest - 2013-12-01

I feel like I'm the only person I know who doesn't really like Sarah Silverman's comedy that much. But five stars for Jash; I'm not really sure how rights to pilot episodes go if the show's not picked up. Like, if I walk into NBC (or most likely bribe the security people with cocaine) and drop off my pilot, is it instantly their property?

I'm a little extra curious because I'm writing a pilot for what I hope will evolve into TV show; if I put submitted it to Funny or Die and they accept it and people watch it, it makes sense that I couldn't try to pitch the same pilot to Jash. But this never even aired. I watched it about a month ago, and while June Diane Raphel is hilarious, the show was.. well.. something you'd expect to see on NBC.

Bort - 2013-12-01

Sarah Silverman isn't all that funny, but I would still give her dog a kidney because:

1) The Great Schlepp helped keep McCain / Palin out of office. I don't know that it was the "yopp" that kept our dust-speck from being boiled, but it helped.

2) Similar efforts this last election.

3) Let's face it, she's darn easy on the eyes.

She reminds me a lot of Janeane Garofalo: I really like her in concept, I really like the concept itself, but the execution doesn't live up.

Riskbreaker - 2013-12-01

I have yet to find a single humang being that truly found her funny. She is not.

boner - 2013-12-01

what's wrong with you people

Hooker - 2013-12-01

Sarah Silverman is one of the most fearless comics out there. While Louis CK is making jokes about farts and Patton Oswalt is joking about Star Wars (two comics I love), Silverman is making you look at your own racist, sexist, and privileged thoughts. Also, she does it in a really funny way.

Hooker - 2013-12-01

That said, I didn't watch this and don't know if it's similar to her stand-up work.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-12-01

That's a nice rack and Sarah Silverman is occasionally funny but this video just a had a couple of pictures of the aforementioned rack and not a single joke, just an annoying british lady doing one of these grating youtube update things.

FABIO - 2013-12-01

Whoah whoah whoah. You're complaining about a comedian using too many bodily function grossout jokes (Louie has made 2 fart jokes total as far as I remember) and then hold Sarah fucking Silverman up as a counter example???

poopy - 2013-12-01

Actual preference of many poetv regulars:

Community, Parks and Recreation, Key & Peele, Sarah Silverman, Christopher Titus, Zero Punctuation


PS I was one of the few who actually saw this episode, it definitely deserved a 5 for multifaceted evil. 3 for letting me bitch about recent submissions.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-01

What are your preferences? I would like to make fun of you for liking things too.

poopy - 2013-12-01

You can totally make fun of me. I'm a weaboo and a video game nerd! I have submitted Dragon Ball Z and Mega Man related videos. Seriously, that Mega Man video should give you plenty of ammo. I know I may sound high and mighty when I make fun of bad comedy, but I like bullshit as much as anyone else here. I have a preference on whether or not Malice Mizer is better with Gackt. It hurts to even type that.

Rather than have me bitching in the thread of all those submissions I mentioned, I thought it was best to consolidate it into one thread... just in case someone else was sick of the same shit. Sorry for sounding like a prick.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-06

So is Malice Mizer better with Gackt? I think they are. DISTORTED FACE

poopy - 2013-12-17

Definitely. It's hard not to admire the effort that goes into that flamboyant piano.

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