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Desc:Old man torments his family at thanksgiving using a camera at the end of a long stick.
Category:Science & Technology
Tags:Old People, white people, camera on a stick, old people using new technology, tormenting your family
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Comment count is 7
infinite zest - 2013-12-07

I watch myself with a rig on a stick.

Binro the Heretic - 2013-12-08

And these are for you.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-09

Haha. Nicely done.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-12-08

Next scene, the funeral:

"I remember grandpa. He was a wealthy man, and we'd go to his house on thanksgiving. We'd all sit around uncomfortably while he prodded us with a stick. It was impossible to make any kind of human contact. I learned a lot from being around him".

boner - 2013-12-08

Need the "on a stick" tag

Innocent Bystander - 2013-12-09

I don't know why I found this so delightful.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-09

I'm guessing that's his daughter's butt that he keeps putting the camera on? Weird gramps, weird!
Also, this would be the perfect technology for a train ride in Japan.

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