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Comment count is 8
SexualBasalt - 2013-12-17

This game looks a lot different when my fat white friends and I play it.

Raggamuffin - 2013-12-17

This is, in fact, Just Dance 2. A game vastly inferior to Dance Central 2.

Kabbage - 2013-12-17


TeenerTot - 2013-12-17

Well I 'm exhausted.

infinite zest - 2013-12-17

This looks really fun. I got a DDR for my PS2 for exercise in Wisconsin winters, and turned out getting really good at it, even placing at some DDR tournaments. But for the most part, it just affected my legs and made them somewhat disproportionate with my skinny-ass torso.

RocketBlender - 2013-12-17

A few years back my parents actually got my a kinect for my birthday, thinking they had just found the awesome new thing I hadn't actually bought for myself yet for once. They were actually right, but only because I had no interest in kinect. Everything else for it was a joke, so I ended up trying one of these games to see if it was any good.

These games are amazingly fun. Somehow, even though the kinect can barely register anything right normally, the dancing games managed to track and nail every gesture, the best ones even manage to point out which limb is off so you know how you fucked up. Not only are they actually a blast to play, but they're far more of a workout than any of the fitness shit they ever put out on the wii.

I've actually broken a sweat playing because they're enough of a workout, and kept at it because they were fun enough to keep playing through the discomfort.

They're pretty much the only thing out there that actually justifies owning a kinect.

jreid - 2013-12-17

Also Kinect Party.


Cheese - 2013-12-17

Anything that brings Boney M to the people is five stars. Also, this Turkish Flashmob version was in the suggested videos.


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