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Desc:Probably the most depressing movie MST3K ever mocked. For several reasons.
Category:Classic Movies, Humor
Tags:Mst3k, tom pittman, a million bucks
Submitted:Kid Fenris
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Comment count is 17
chairsforcheap - 2013-12-17

i have nothing to say and want to rate any mst3k 5 and i haven't seen this yet and i also want to say THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MIKE he's fucking lovely in a warm pumpkin-bread midwest chillness. You Joel freaks just miss getting stoned in highschool.

Quad9Damage - 2013-12-18

Well, other than the real Mike Nelson appears to be a pretty hardcore conservative Protestant. He doesn't leak his politics into his comedy, FB posts or Tweets though, which is nice.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-18

There is room in my heart for both Mike and Joel. They're different, but both are wonderful.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-12-18

Mike's conservatism is balanced out by TV's Frank's really righteous progressivism. I think, unlike a lot of conservative entertainers, Mike is nothing if not POLITE, and thus doesn't interject it when he'd lose his fans.

Conservatism usually gives people an excuse to be impolite louts, so hence it tends to attract people who actively enjoy being rude. And I think that was always the difference between Mike and Joel... Mike was never cruel. Joel frequently was. And they're both great.

Aelric - 2013-12-18

I figured it was a symptom of habit. They wrote those shows from the guise of two robots and a janitor. None of those characters would be overtly political, and there there was no reason to push any political jokes. As they moved on to Rifftrax, the habit stuck, thus he kept his views separate from his performances.

Also, I dunno where people get hardcore, he has mentioned it in like 15 year old article that he votes republican and republican wasn't quite as scum sucking 15 years ago as it is today. Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett have expressed liberal views and seem totally fine maintaining a relationship with him, thus I assume it's not so 'hardcore' as to effect anything significant in his life.

But who knows, people are weird. I just found a shit ton of really rough bondage porn in my dads closet when I was looking for shoes and he is the nicest human I know, so people are complex.

Quad9Damage - 2013-12-20

"Well, let me say this, I read the National Review cover to cover. Check in at Townhall.com every day. Check the Washington Times daily. Listen to Dennis Prager and Michael Medved on a regular basis. Read Mark Steyn with regularity. Read the Weekly Standard. So, yes, I do vote Republican. As the pundit Hugh Hewitt has observed, there are indeed two Americas: Serious America and Silly America. The Democrats seem bent on turning this into Silly America, so I stick with those who wish this to remain Serious America.

Of course, in addition, as angry as it makes me, I check in with the monolithic press: the NY Times, the L.A. Times, the Boston Globe. One thing I can�t do, that makes me just insanely angry, is read my local paper, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, known to many as the Star and Sickle, or the Red Star Tribune."

Syd Midnight - 2013-12-20

The most depressing secret Republican is Moe Tucker. She backs a political foundation funded by the company whose environmental polluting gave Sterling Morrison cancer.

memedumpster - 2013-12-20

Okay, so Mike Nelson hates equal rights for gays, wants to oppress black people, and think rich people should usher in a slave dystopia where they have no accountability towards the human cattle they rape and murder for profitable sport.

I will gladly worship him as the Dawk Won, but only if I get to use the Pleasure Machine.

memedumpster - 2013-12-17

"I'm just as human as the next guy, that's why I keep these bullseyes handy..."

You want context, you must watch.

BHWW - 2013-12-17

One of my old favorites, 50's juvenile-delinquent flicks were always good targets for the MST3K crew, and this particular piece of it is the most depressing, spirit crushing flick featuring 28-year old high schoolers they ever featured.

"He's a high school... big shot! He's a big shot... in high school...Big Shot! Big Shot! BIG SHOT! BIG SHOT!"

"He's the Cabbage Patch Robert Reed."

"How's the German Expressionist date going?"

"Van Cliburn entertains a groupie."

"The mean streets of Appleton!"

"So are your dads bean-eating alcoholics too?"

"Glad you could make the heist Mr. Disney."

"Should we just leave the dead guys there?"
"Ah, the crows will get them."

Innocent Bystander - 2013-12-18

This film features some of the evilest, amoral and manipulating high school students ever. I wonder if the guy who wrote Brick saw this and decided to really amp up the noir flavor.

StanleyPain - 2013-12-18

The moral of this film: teaching Shakespeare in high school is bullshit.

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-12-18


Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-18

I like the Shakespearean ending, especially after all the Shakespeare talk in the movie.

Aelric - 2013-12-18

How are full episodes of this surviving YouTube's content culling?

Quad9Damage - 2013-12-20

"Keep circulating the tapes."

memedumpster - 2013-12-20

I think Google are secret MST3K nerds, because there was a time when all of them were on Google video, and they stayed there unmolested for years. They must just flat refuse to do anything about it, and have the billions of dollars to refuse to.

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