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Comment count is 16
Innocent Bystander - 2013-12-31

An absolute delight :D

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-31

other than the song, sure. I guess it beats "Simply having a wonderful christmas time" though... which is still the worst Christmas song ever made.

DavidBowiesLuckyTennisBall - 2013-12-31

I couldn't get through three minutes of Mariah Carey without a bearded man in drag. I think that says more about her than me.

fedex - 2013-12-31

Thank you POE! This made my morning....this and the dude at 2:00! :D

infinite zest - 2013-12-31

Ugh.. I heard this song at the Mall on Christmas Eve and I kind of liked it. I was thinking "this is way better than Wonderful Christmas Time, Little Drummer Boy, Last Christmas.. like a new Christmas song." Just now I find out it was Mariah Carrey. :(

badideasinaction - 2013-12-31

I can't say I'm a fan of Carey, but as Christmas songs go, I think her song is a fair addition to the collection of "Christmas songs that don't make me want to tear my ears out", but to each their own. One of the less obnoxious ones to come out in the last 20 years.

I do like this version of it better though:

Bort - 2013-12-31

Venture Bros Christmas songs are generally good, as is just about any cover of "Fairytale of New York". There is overlap between the two categories, and yes it works out to my favorite version of any Christmas song.

Honorable mention goes to KT Tunstall's cover of "Fairytale of New York", which does not use the word "faggot" and will not require any explanations to our grandchildren:


Now, a point of disappointment with most of the various covers: they sound the same, like the various artists were aiming for interchangeability. If you don't have a new take on the song, why bother to record it? I think they're even all in E-flat.

Bort - 2013-12-31

Oh, I forgot:


MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2013-12-31

Drag as an art-form really doesn't get enough acknowledgement these days.

badideasinaction - 2013-12-31

Made me smile, much needed.

BorrowedSolution - 2013-12-31

Happy Holidays!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-12-31


You know what, guys?

I really hate to tell you this.

I am just really mad right now.


I hope that none of you were fooled by this. I know that there are a lot of fakers out there on Youtube but this one seems to have fooled some of you. The real Santa has a totally different beard, although it took me a minute to figure that out. But now I'm sure of it. That is definitely NOT Santa.

Never let it be said that POETV was an easy place to fool! THANK YOU GOOD SIR AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT.

gravelstudios - 2013-12-31

of course he's not Santa. Santa Claus is a Black Man.

I love how, As this guy becomes more well known on the net, people who recognize him get this look on their faces as if they just won the lottery when they realize what's going on.

Pope Caius - 2013-12-31

no shit it's mariah carey

memedumpster - 2013-12-31

Real Santa at 2:04 approves.

The Mothership - 2013-12-31

Best one.

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