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Comment count is 6
Bort - 2014-01-07

Five auto-stars for Mark Gruenwald; a genuinely good guy if you ever had the chance to talk to him. (He died in 1996.)

jangbones - 2014-01-08

I also liked his writing.

Bort - 2014-01-08

Not a very flashy writer, and his dialogue tended towards the clunky (Gruenwald's dialogue was merely in service to the plot and not an art form); but Gruenwald stories were usually about moral choices first and action second. He respected the genre and wasn't at all times trying to prove that he's more grown-up than mere comic book writers.

Gruenwald was the first to deconstruct the superhero genre ("Squadron Supreme") and I say he did it best: "Squadron Supreme" is nowhere near as flashy or clever as "Watchmen", but unlike "Watchmen" it is about heroes who do their best to stick to ethical behavior, and what happens if they take their do-gooderness to its logical conclusion of a world where war / hunger / disease / death are banished while human liberty is still prized. (spoilers) In the end they give up their plans because they realize that the perfect world they're trying to build could easily become a dystopia if less principled people follow them.

BHWW - 2014-01-08

Also, after he died suddenly, at 43, in accordance with his wishes to have his cremains be made part of a comic his ashes were mixed into the ink used in the first printing of the Squadron Supreme trade collection.

Bort - 2014-01-08

I have my copy!

chumbucket - 2014-01-08


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