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Comment count is 28
SolRo - 2014-01-06

how are you 25 and 35 at the same time?

misterbuns - 2014-01-06

Poetv runs a truth serum script on all submissions.

Jack Dalton - 2014-01-06

Solro-- do you know everyones age here? I'm a little creeped out...

infinite zest - 2014-01-06

I've been on POE since I was 18 and I'm 31 now.. I come across videos I submitted 8 years ago on poetv all the time.

infinite zest - 2014-01-06

I was over at my parents' house around Christmas and for some reason the Cosby Show was on and I remember thinking "hey, this guy's always been really funny." He has a way of staring at the audience as if to say "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING? I'M BEING SERIOUS"

Jack Dalton - 2014-01-06

The only Bill Cosby thing that made me laugh was House of Cosby.

SolRo - 2014-01-06

Not everyone's age.

I'm still not certain if cena's and evilhomers ages are in human or horse furry years

And caminante nocturno is a dark vortex of ambiguous ages, genders and possibly species.

infinite zest - 2014-01-06

By that logic, kthorjensen is 1,000 years old

fedex - 2014-01-06

This is my second lifetime on POE, after having my previous incarnation brutally deleted by an admin for a minor transgression.
Before I became FedEx in 2010 I was on since 2005.

fedex - 2014-01-06

Oh and I was on red band since 1998

fedex - 2014-01-06

and by red band I mean POE Red, derp

chumbucket - 2014-01-07

I'm closest to this age than anyone here. Do I win a sweater?

misterbuns - 2014-01-07

I was reading poe red in 2000. Not sure if there were forums then. I just came for the MERCHANT OF HARM.

I was a youngin.

infinite zest - 2014-01-07

I remember when I was working at Sega-Otaku and we briefly became part of Old Man Murray's network which then got bought by UGO.. jeez that's a long time ago.

memedumpster - 2014-01-07

I remember Unguarded Cave Entrance of Evil where we had to wait for lightning to hit a tree so we could log on and see pictures of cavemanchildren fucking cartoon mammoths.

Five stones!

Jack Dalton - 2014-01-06

Observational Comedy-- brought to you by Kodak.

Scurrie - 2014-01-06

I realized after watching this that the "bending over is hard when you're old" joke is also featured in Louis CK's new standup special. Since it's universally true for anyone with a gut, I'm allowing it. Move along.

infinite zest - 2014-01-06

Comedy's kind of hit a wall for me; either you tell raunchier versions of used jokes ("it sucks when you have to sit down to pee"/"my back hurts when I do this"/"I'm a woman and don't menstrual cycles suck?") or you go for the awkward Tim Heidecker/Eric Andre approach, where the joke is that it's not a joke.

Cosby is interesting because, as far as I know, he was one of few black comedians who didn't segregate ("black people walk like this and white people walk like this") at a time when said differences were a focal point for black comedy.

Old_Zircon - 2014-01-06

They still are (at least if you want a chance at mainstream, commercial success)

fedex - 2014-01-06

More people, from professional comics to just ordinary wanna-bes', have stolen jokes from Bill Cosby than any other living comedian.

PlusDome - 2014-01-07

Calling absurdism "the awkward Tim/Eric approach" really makes you look uncultured and pretty ignorant.
What about slapstick?
what about camp?
what about puns?

infinite zest - 2014-01-07

I wasn't calling their humor absurd. I was referring to their awkward stand-up deliveries, not their respective TV shows. Gallagher, Larry the Cable guy and Jeff Dunham kind of have those 3 categories you mentioned covered, as far as stand-up's concerned.

Old_Zircon - 2014-01-07

I'm pretty cynical about comedy myself, but damn. did comedy kill your father in a duel or something?

fedex - 2014-01-07

comedy has six fingers

infinite zest - 2014-01-07

Ironically, I'm actually co-writing a "comedy" show, so I dissect this stuff for what'll hopefully become a living. In my opinion, slapstick, puns and camp were mastered in the 70s and skewered to some logical conclusion by the time the late 90s rolled around.

What we're left with are comedians like David Cross, Patton Oswalt, Hannibal Burress, etc. who ARE hilarious, but very rarely lean on such tropes the way that the aforementioned comedians did/do.

memedumpster - 2014-01-07

Comedy is tragedy properly labeled and identified.

Old_Zircon - 2014-01-08

70s? Slapstick was past its peak by the 40s.

Anyhow, what happened in the 90s is marketers finally started to really get irony, thereby robbing us of our last line of psychological defense against the constant barrage of marketing. That was a big topic of discussion between me and the drummer in our band around '95 and it turns out we were right.

fedex - 2014-01-09

OZ, watch any Blake Edwards movie from the 70's. especially "10" or "S.O.B." and then tell me slapstick was dead by then.

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