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Comment count is 6
EvilHomer - 2014-01-15

I'm not sitting through a non-skippable ad to watch this shit. Five stars!

Old_Zircon - 2014-01-15

Won't play in my browser. 5 stars!

infinite zest - 2014-01-15

I saw Joseph Gordon Leavitt's face and then the video didn't play. 5 stars?

infinite zest - 2014-01-15

But I did find this (yes I searched on youtube for 'The Minis Full Movie'). Kind of the same as the trailer but with a few more scenes. Basically Dennis Rodman slam dunks while dwarves participate in a dress-up montage. That seems fair.


Interestingly, they play with Harlem Globetrotters' balls (haha) in a lot of the shots. A few years from this film's release(?) Rodman would travel to Korth Norea with the actual Globetrotters and become besties with the one and only Kim Jong Un because K.J Il was totally into this Rodman shit apparently, specifically the "Dream Team" that was the Chicago Bulls in the mid-90s.

There's a conspiracy theory in there somewhere. POECSI investigate. Meanwhile I'm going to get shitfaced at Dave & Busters and shatter my knee while playing Dance Dance Revolution, you Capitalist dogs you.

Nominal - 2014-01-16

I don't think I've ever seen a movie on imdb with 8 or more stars. Even looking up some of the best movies of all time I only see 7.4s.

infinite zest - 2014-01-16

"Shawshank Redemption" has become notorious for its #1 rating (it's at a 9.3) besting every other movie in existence.

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