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Comment count is 6
Nominal - 2014-01-19

Hip to hip violence

TheOtherCapnS - 2014-01-19

Funny, but as I began to glean just what the film is an ad for, my balls started to hurt more and more.

Five for my balls hurting.

memedumpster - 2014-01-19

Everyone involved in this are goddamned terrible human beings. Five stars and the hatred of the howling self devouring universe until the wretched end of time.

Wander - 2014-01-19

I was going to vote this one star until I realized it was actually an advertisement.

Old_Zircon - 2014-01-20

I would bet 0 that nobody involved in this has read the book.

poopy - 2014-01-21

Today I was obsessed with the idea of faxing Sarah�s blood I drained from her vagina over to her office in the mergers division at Chase Manhattan, and I didn�t work out this morning because I�d made a necklace from the bones of some girl�s vertebrae and wanted to stay home and wear it around my neck while I masturbated in the white marble tub in my bathroom, grunting and moaning like some kind of animal. Then I watched a movie about five lesbians and ten vibrators. Favorite group: Talking Heads. Drink: J&B or Absolut on the rocks. TV show:Late Night with David Letterman. Soda: Diet Pepsi. Water: Evian. Sport: Baseball.

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