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Comment count is 9
Prickly Pete - 2014-01-23

Wow, when I read the description my first thought was, "It has to be Bridget The Midget. Who else could it be but Bridget The Midget?" The real answer was so much less inspired...

Hailey2006 - 2014-01-24

I got a better idea for this, Louie tortures his drivers by reading them a fanfiction he wrote where they all the opposite genders and Bridget and the Midget can play Female!Louie!

infinite zest - 2014-01-23

To think that nobody in Marketing said "Let's call it 'Taxxxi' instead"

snothouse - 2014-01-23

I imagine the Google Search put an end to pun-names for porn.

baleen - 2014-01-23

Hello? Anybody there? It's me, Playboy! I'm still around! Still relevant! Look at these tits!

Nominal - 2014-01-23

Tits are definitely a new attention grabbing gimmick for Playboy.

infinite zest - 2014-01-23

You have to stay for the commentary by Michael Chabon.

Nominal - 2014-01-23

"It's the dudes from Taxi, only they're all retarded."

-Butthead discussing One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest

wtf japan - 2014-01-24

Produced by Tony Clifton.

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