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Comment count is 8
Hooker - 2014-02-21

This film convinced me that I'm a huge Albert Pyun fan and it took a lot of movies like Adrenaline: Fear the Rush, Ticker, and Nemesis 2-4 to convince me that, in fact, I am not.

Still, Nemesis is a helluva bad movie.

Kid Fenris - 2014-02-21

So I guess Nemesis 2, 3, and 4 aren't worth watching. They look like incoherent Terminator knockoffs for the sort of people who pay women bodybuilders to carry them around their living rooms.

I do see that Pyun made a recent movie called Cyborg Nemesis, but it's a prequel to the Jean-Claude Van Damme movie Cyborg. It's got Kevin Sorbo AND Dina Meyer, though!

Hooker - 2014-02-21

You never really know what's going to happen when you watch an Albert Pyun. Some movies, like the ones I mentioned, are intolerably boring. Others, like Nemesis, Mean Guns, and Spitfire are a lot of fun. It's basically gambling.

roofle - 2014-02-21

Oh Man, this was one of my favorite movies growing up. It's pure shlock, the acting is wooden, the writing is bad, to the point where the writers completely mix up what androids and cyborgs are supposed to be. But the stunts and action in this are pretty great and kinda innovative to a degree. (The first Underworld completely ripped off a scene from this, and managed to do it worse with an infinitely higher budget.)

Too bad Pyun eventually lost his mind and started making female muscle fetish flicks after this. What a shame.

Kid Fenris - 2014-02-21

When I was a kid, I was so excited about this movie. It was the closest thing Blockbuster had to a Shadowrun film.

Old_Zircon - 2014-02-22

I missed this movie back in the day, but I've made up for it since.

candyheadrobot - 2014-02-22

I remember making my Dad rent this, and a bunch of other low grade sci-fi every weekend, just looking for one more that actually had cool robots or cyborgs in it, and not just...people? Thankfully anime started showing up more on tv back then, have to admit as far as sci-fi goes, things are much better today. Too bad about the ubiquitous softcore aspects not translating though.

Old_Zircon - 2014-12-06

Updated the link with a new, higher quality version!

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